The fall Of The White Room

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White is a color that is the symbol of spiritual and physical purity, it is something that can represent the most innocent things in the world, but the color white within these walls means nothing more than hell, day after day, task after task, like a robot given commands to complete I wake up and do the same thing and endless loop an eternal hell, the color white was forever ruined for me.

Suddenly the color white was changed to red, 8 bodies lay on the cold hard floor with multiple injuries one with a cracked skull, another with an arm on the floor severed from the shoulder cleanly cut and the rest were dead As instructed I did not hold back, today was a new feeling that I experienced the feeling of pity it was the first and last feeling I would feel for a very long time.

"Why did you kill them we told you to stop," A Tall man with a lab coat on said to me while looking down at the mess on the floor his words seemed like words of concern but you can see his eyes were just like mine devoid of any feeling he didn't really care about their deaths. " I was ordered to not hold back against them so I ended their life I couldn't hear you because of the screams of my victims but I heard after the 15th time and decided to spare only 2 of them after some thought" The reason I spared the last 2 was that they held back against me since I was a child even though it was an idiotic thing to do I spared there lives because they held back so I held back against them.

"Whatever brat the reason does not matter when you are told to stop you stop these speakers are made extra loud even if there were 100 people screaming its loud enough for you to hear clearly you just ignored it and kept going so you are gonna have to take the consequences for your actions after all killing someone is harder for us to cover up than you breaking their bones so just stick to the latter," He said with the same face and when he left to prepare my punishment he accidentally stepped on the arm I cut off cleanly dirtying his white coat even more, then he let out a face of disgust and continued on his way.

As I was making my way to the area I would be punished something unexpected happen and the instructor entered more quickly than usual and ushered all the children in the punishment ward out of the room. As we left they were making us move quickly and doing something even more strange they didn't leave anyone behind usually these instructors would treat all of us like dirt equally and if one person were too slow they would leave them behind but they even went as far as to pick the children up to get them to our destination.

When we arrived I had a new view for the first time in my life I could see the trees outside the white hell's location it looked like we went through a backdoor because I had seen the front door when I was an infant when I was first brought here. as we went through the door I sneaked by the instructors looking at the other side to see what was going on to find about 50 unknown vehicles outside most of them were black and I also saw my father getting dragged into the car one of the men there saw me he had shoulder length purple hair with green eyes and a decent build he notified the other men and they started running towards us. I was confused but warned the instructors that we are being followed and they tried even harder to make people move out of the way from this I could get the gist of what is going on they are obviously running away from those people and if they are powerful enough to restrain my father without any consequences they must be very powerful people.

We all made it into the vans that were on standby on the road as we all made it inside and started driving away we were met with an unexpected sight after about 10 minutes of driving we saw that we were surrounded on all sides by multiple different cars in black one single car stood out as it was a car that was not black but instead red it looked like a sports car and the man that I saw before came out of it his green eyes stood out and he had a black suit on when he left the car everyone else came out and went across our cars from all angles we had no escape" Why are you blocking the road god damn it I just go fired and now this bullshit take your friends and leave we have to go home." One instructor tried to lie and say that they were people who got fired and were leaving home with their cars, but the men did not believe the obvious lies coming from their mouths they proceeded to beat down each person and apprehend them there were only 3 white vans and 2 instructors per van compared to there advance numbers they stood no chance. 

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