Chapter 6 - enter Arima Kana!

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OK, guys, not cool. I literally said IN THE FREAKING AFTERWORD OF THE LAST CHAPTER: "SO I GET A BREAK". Then you guys go ahead and actually hit the goal THE DAY I POST THE CHAPTER! How could you :(

In all seriousness - thank you guys so much for smashing that goal out of the park. And a special thank you to Universe_hopper, who's comments made me smile and laugh, as well as the people who notified me of grammar/spelling mistakes! Thanks to all my readers as well - this is way further than I ever thought I'd get in a week. Anyway, as your reward, you get a new POV AND some drama. Lucky you!

--------------------------------------------------------Ruby POV-----------------------------------------------------------

Oh come on! Who was she supposed to cheer forrrrrrr!? She had just learned that her friend and fellow idol Arima Kana was also hopelessly in love with her brother. Ohh, no. Not ONLY did he have the nerve to use his W rizz long before Ruby had anticipated (she made an allowance because Akane was hella cute), but he also did it TWICE! Oh. my. god. He was in so much trouble when he got home-

Oh wait no. That would mean social death for her friend. Uuuugh, the life of a regular teenage girl was something she missed out on in her previous life and it was one aspect of her new life she was completely unprepared for. So unfair. Aqua seemed to have already experienced his whole life so nothing could surprise him, but Ruby had already surpassed her old high score. Wait...

WAS AQUA ACTUALLY, LIKE, A PERVY 80 YEAR OLD MAN WHO WAS USING HIS SECOND CHANCE TO GET WITH TEENAGE GIRLS!? NO WAY! Although, if he was 80 years old on the inside, his brain would probably be dull and slow like other old people, and Aqua was anything but. Crisis averted. Ruby give a little huff of satisfaction, safe in the knowledge that Aqua was not addicted to cabbage soup.

"Hey Ruby, what's got you looking so wound up?"

Eeek! The Arima Kana in question was approaching (insert Pokémon theme here)! Poor Loli-Senpai, she didn't know it was Ruby who had told Aqua to man up and make a move on Akane. That secret had to stay buried, or else her idol group was going to fall apart.

"Ehhh, it's nothing. Just thinking about our upcoming performance!"

Total bullshit. That wasn't worrying her at all. Nor was the fact that they still needed a third member of their idol group. What WAS worrying her was the fact that Kana-san had not yet watched the latest episode of Lovenow! Uh oh. What was she typing in that tablet of hers?

"We'll be fine, we've practiced hard for this. Anyway, have you seen the latest episode of 'Lovenow!' ? I wanna see what happens with Akane. The poor girl had it really rough-"

"Heeyy, maybe we should do one more rehearsal! You know, jus tto make sure we've got it down and, uh, stuff."

Kana rolled her eyes. "Honey, I've been in the showbiz since I was in diapers. I know that rehearsing too much the day before a show can NEVER end well. Just relax, try to unwind. That's the best way to prepare for tomorrow, trust me."

"Uhhh, alright then, uhh, how about we start looking for the final person to join our idol group! We really need three to be successful, right?"

"Jeez, just relax, Ruby. Come on, watch this with me! Akane's story is the most compelling right now, which is a breath of fresh air. I was wondering if she was ever gonna get back on her feet."

Ruby gulped nervously. Kana was dead-set on making sure she ruined her mental health the day before the show. How fun. She looked for another way to stall until Aqua got home. She sent him an urgent text: Bro, where u @? Loli-senpai boutta get her dreams crushed by this latest episode and I need u to save the day!

My acting love - Watashi no engi ai (Aqua Hoshino x Akane Kurokawa)Where stories live. Discover now