Chapter 12 - the threat

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"You've been WHAT!?" Akane cried. She was in shock. There was no way, how long had this been happening? How couldn't she tell? What the hell-

"No! No. Not... not like that. Not, uhh, romantically." Aqua amended, realising the weight of his words. "Someone who's been helping me with something. He's a lot like me in, in the unimportant ways. We don't often get along, but I need him. At least for now. However, I've been thinking about something."

Akane's stiffened shoulders loosened. That was a relief. Of course, she would have known if he was cheating... right? "What's this 'thing' you're been thinking about?"

Aqua took a deep breath, and let it out before continuing. "I think we need to stop meeting in person after this. This man could be potentially dangerous, especially to you and Ruby. While there isn't a lot I can do for Ruby, I can at least protect you. Please, I don't want to break up with you. But until this is all over, I think we need to-"

"STOP! Stop. Aqua, what are you SAYING!? You've been meeting with a potentially dangerous man for the past few, what, weeks? You've suddenly realised he could be a threat to me, and now you're trying to PROTECT me by breaking my heart?" Akane looked like she was trying not to cry. Who did Aqua think he was, making stupid decisions like this on his own? 

"Akane, no one's heart needs to be broken today. We can keep in touch. Think of it as, like, a pandemic or something. We can't go near each other, but that doesn't mean we have to end." Aqua reasoned. Surely this wasn't how they ended, right? Although, if it was, Aqua couldn't blame her. He had been hiding a crucial fact for weeks in trying to protect her. He wouldn't blame Akane if she couldn't trust him after this. To his surprise, Akane wiped her tears and looked him fiercely in the eye.

"You are an idiot, Aqua. Not telling me this until now. What were you thinking?" She paused to take a shaky breath. Here she had thought this was going to be a nice surprise, an afternoon visit from her boyfriend. Instead, he drops this shit on her instead. How considerate of him. Still, she managed to steady her breathing. 
"Fine. Alright. But I don't want you seeing this mystery dude anymore. Talk to him through text or whatever until it all blows over.

Aqua winced. "Fine. That's... reasonable, I guess. Thank you for not, you know, ditching me, yelling at me, kicking me out of the house, whatever."

Akane grinned evilly. "oh don't worry, mister. There's still plenty of time for that too."

"Oh hurray. Thanks again for letting me stay, blue."

"Wait, what?"

"I appreciate it a lot."

"Huh? What did I do? I'm so confused."

"Don't worry about it."

"... Alriiiight?"

Despite the act she was putting on, Akane was hurting deeply. Could she even trust Aqua anymore? She didn't even know. But he needed a place to stay, and despite everything she still loved him. She couldn't just turn him away.

"Hey, Aqua, can I ask something?"


"How is this man dangerous. In what ways?"

Aqua's back was turned to Akane, so she couldn't see his face. But she knew from the way his shoulders were positioned, the way the Aqua had suddenly got this kind of air around him, that it was the wrong question to ask.

"Akane... I... I'm gonna be honest. If I told you, I'd lose you. I can't let that happen. You just need to trust me, trust the fact that everything will be fine. Can you do that?"

A deep breathed escaped Akane as she considered this request. He wanted her to trust him, but couldn't tell her why her own life is in danger? Not exactly a model boyfriend, Aqua.

My acting love - Watashi no engi ai (Aqua Hoshino x Akane Kurokawa)Where stories live. Discover now