Chapter 9 - Aqua, I am your father!

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Sorry for the cliffhanger*, but it was a really good opportunity so I took it. Yay. Hopefully this chapter will be longer and not 99% dialogue (I say hopefully because I have no plan for this chapter whatsoever at the time of writing this). ALSO, the Aquaka will be taking a back seat for now, and instead we will be focusing on:
Character development
Story progression
Probably something else but IDK what it is yet

Anyway, that's enough jabbering, time to start writing something!

---------------------------------------------------Aqua's POV--------------------------------------------------------------

This was too good an opportunity to miss. He had to take it. There wasn't another option - it just didn't exist. He had to meet his father.

They arranged a time and a place, where they would talk about... well... everything, really. Mostly, Aqua was nervous. This man had killed his mother, something he would never forgive. Aqua wouldn't be surprised if an attempt on his life would be made as well. As Aqua prepared to meet his father, he made sure to put a switchblade in his pocket just in case. Just for self-defence, he told himself. He didn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison, after all. That was the sentiment that got him out of attempting to find his father in the first place.

He left Ruby a text just saying he was going "out". No details needed. If Hikaru killed Ruby due to her following Aqua to meet him, Aqua would never forgive himself. In fact, it was better if personal details were left out of this entirely.

Aqua was unsurprised to learn that, after being intentionally 10 minutes late, Hikaru was only just arriving as well. Though he despised the thought, Aqua had to consider the fact that he inherited a lot of his father's genes. Much more so than his mothers. There hair was the same, their face was the same, their eyes were... the same? Hikaru's eyes were dark and faded, as Aqua's had been while on the path to revenge. Not a good sign.

"So, you actually came," Hikaru said, his eyebrows raised in mock disbelief, "What a surprise!"

Aqua rolled his eyes. "Shut it, Hikaru. I'm here for straighter answers than I got over the phone and nothing else. Understand?"

Hikaru nodded, though it was obvious that statement was ignored. "Sure. So, how's life?"

"It was great, until you happened."

"Whatever could you mean?"

Aqua felt his anger rising like hot air. "I mean, when you got my mother killed in front of my eyes! What kind of... of complete psycho does that!? You're insane!"

Hikaru's mocking face of disbelief irritated Aqua even more, causing his eyes to twitch. "Oh, the accusations! My own son! I will never recover! Anyway, how's Ruby going?"

"I'd tell you to ask her, but I don't want you even SPEAKING to her, got it?"

It was Hikaru's turn to roll his eyes. "Alright, chill, you sis-con. How about, uhh..." Hikaru studied his phone. "Akane Ku-ro-ka-wa? Can I talk to her?"

Aqua felt the urge to lunge across the table and grab his father by the neck. The only thing that stopped him was the fact that they were in a cafe, and the staff would call the police for sure. Aqua calmed himself, though his knuckles were wight due to clenching his fist so tightly.

"You touch her, and you can forget seeing the world from outside the grave I'll dig for you forever. Ruby, Akane, ANY of my friends, if I find out you've been within a 10 mile radius of ANY of them, I'll make you suffer!"

"Oops, that's a problem."

Aqua snapped his attention to the door, where he saw the two Yuki's enter the cafe. He pulled his hood over his head before they could notice him. For some reason, Hikaru did the same.

My acting love - Watashi no engi ai (Aqua Hoshino x Akane Kurokawa)Where stories live. Discover now