Chapter 5 - His perfect girl

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"Huuuuh!? You're that shallow!?"

Mem-Cho and Yuki stood slack-jawed from shock. Seriously?! A pretty face? That's all he cared about?! They regained their composure as they realised Aqua was still thinking.

"She has a smile like the sun. She performs flawlessly. Her behavior just screams "I'm invincible. She's blessed with captivating eyes."

Akane frowned. "That's too abstract!"

However, Mem-Cho had a different idea.

"Hmm, but could it be..? Someone like B-komachi's Ai?"

Aqua startled. No way, was it that obvious? Oh well, he guessed he had been a little too specific.

As Mem-Cho started googling Ai, Yuki and Akane looked over her shoulder. Aqua noticed Akane start taking notes as always. Why did she do that? Was she constantly noting her environment, taking notes and coming back the next day fully prepared, or was it just something to get her thoughts down on. Not that it really mattered anyway. No one could imitate Ai. She had natural talent.

--------------------------------------------------Akane's POV--------------------------------------------------------------

Ai Hoshino, huh? Interesting pick, but Akane could see why. She really was stunning, the way she danced, the way she performed, the way her smile lit up the room and everyone in it and the way her eyes shone like the stars, just as Aqua's did when he got excited. Wait, no, Aqua's eyes were not important right now. Ai's eyes were.

Akane spent a full night researching Ai Hoshino, her mannerisms and her personality. She pieced together an accurate character by tidbits of information. A possible lover at the age of 15 due to her reckless demeanor changing, mellowing down, according to her fellow B-komachi members. Low level education and not many friends, so she must be a bit ditzy and carefree with a bit of social awkwardness sprinkled in there. Perfect. Her character was complete.

------------------------------------------------------Aqua's POV-----------------------------------------------------------

Just a few more episodes to go. Aqua had mixed feelings. This was the show during which he had finally accepted Ai's death. This was the show where he finally made friends that he wasn't just using as a means to an end. Did he really want this show to end? It had to. Aqua knew that. All shows were trendy and popular for a while, then they faded out and they stopped making as much money. It was always best to quit while you were ahead.

As Aqua arrived on set he saw nearly everyone was there before him, aside from Akane, as usual. Whether she was legitimately late or whether it was for additional dramatic effect for when she shows off her attempt at recreating Ai.

To nobody's surprise, Akane entered the set the exact same way she had left it. Just usual Akane. Was she trying to act different? Or was she saving it for when the camera started rolling? Who knew.

After Akane arrived on set, the filming started.

"Let's go." Aqua spurred Akane on. The others had already left to go to wherever they needed to be, so it was just Akane and Aqua left here.

'Alright... lets start, Aqua." Akane closed her eyes. Aqua noticed a shift in her demeanor immediately. Ahh, so this was her Ai attempt. However, Aqua's confidence as well as the rest of his mental walls were shattered when Akane opened her eyes, revealing stars just as bright as Ai's had once been.

"What's wrong Aqua? You look like you've seen a ghost?"

Aqua gathered himself. "Nah."

"Akane, welcome back!"

Akane's eyes widened as she broke into a huge smile. Was she acting? This seemed too genuine. She had only just seen Mem-Cho yesterday, what was happening? This... this had to be an act. Surely. But there was no way...

"Thanks for waiting for me, you guys!" Akane gushed as Mem-Cho and Yuki approached her. Aqua remembered that to the audience, this was the first time Akane and the other cast members had seen each other since the incident. It was only natural that everyone was putting this act on together. Aqua breathed a sigh of relief.

Nobuyuki still looked concerned. "I'm glad you look better, but isn't this a bit soon?"

Akane turned her dazzling smile on him. "Eh? what do you mean?"

Once again, the entire cast was stunned. What did she mean, what do you mean?

This continued all throughout the day. Akane continued dazzling Aqua with her perfect interpretation of Ai, to the point he actually had to leave to go to the bathroom instead of being around her. He was afraid his head might explode. How... how had she done this? she had his head spinning around. Meanwhile, as he splashed water on his face to help get rid of the blush. he could hear voices.

"Ehh?! What about you, Akane? If he got serious about you, would you get serious back? Maybe dating for real is an option?" Mem-Cho seemed set on wreaking havoc on Aqua's personal life. Hurray.

A much meaker, shyer voice came from Akane. She must have momentarily dropped her Ai act.

"If we're talkin about the possibility... it exists." It sounded muffled, like she was covering her mouth with her hand as she said it. Aqua then heard girlish squealing noises, presumably from an ecstatic Yuki and Mem-Cho.

"If, that's the case, you should take the offensive like that off-camera too! This is getting goooood!"

Aqua chose that moment to exist the bathroom and pretend he didn't hear anything. He noticed Akane pick back up her Ai act the moment she saw him. Hey, Aqua! Let's go hang out! She grabbed him by his hand and led him along, leaving Yuki and Mem-Cho to start squeling like 3rd graders in peace.

"Hey, Aqua. Would you like to go to the park? The ducks there are so cute!"

"Uh, sure, I guess."

She led him down to a park bench. There, they set content and watched people walk past with their dogs, children playing and parents standing idly by. Poor Aqua was particularly uncomfortable, but due to her AI act Akane managed to keep it together. When the sun started setting, Aqua got up and held his hand out to Akane, who took as it she stood up.

"It's been an interesting day today. Thank you, Akane. Your interpretation of Ai was perfect down to a T."

"Teehee! Thank you, Aku-kun!" Akane wrapped her arms around him. "I'll see you soon, right?"

Aqua was just about to reply, but was stopped short when Akane stood on her tiptoes and pecked him on the cheek. Turning around, she gave Aqua a cheeky wave as she walked off back in the direction of her house. Oh boy, Aqua was screwed if Akane kept this act up. He just might end up falling for her for real.

Author's note

Hey guys, sorry this took longer to publish than expected. We blew sstraight past 200 in just a day, I'm amazed! If we keep hitting milestones like this ima be so happy! Let's make the next one 350 so I have time to catch a break (not for this chapter, for the book in total). Anyway, Shortangryblonde out!

My acting love - Watashi no engi ai (Aqua Hoshino x Akane Kurokawa)Where stories live. Discover now