Chapter 4

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Author 's Pov-

Here Aditya reached his home. When he entered first thing he was engulf in arms of his mom.Aditya Hugged her back.

 "I missed you so much beta." Rani said to Aditya while patting his head. 

" Miss you too maa." Aditya snuggled in his mom arms missing the warmth of her. 

" Have you eat your lunch ?" Rani asked him making Aditya froze. He did not had his lunch. He gave her a small smile and lied to Rani. 

"Yes mom."

Rani stared at Aditya and grabbed his ear very hardly.

" Maa sorry please leave my ear, I am sorry mom i didnt had my lunch."

Rani Left Aditya's ear and stared at him.

"  Then why did you lied to me ?"

 "I didnt want to make you worried for me." Aditya said and Rani cupped his face. 

" Leave it have lunch right now come. I knew it that you didnt had your lunch thats why i made it specially for you."

"Maa Rud- ..."Aditya Got cut of by Rudra.

"Maa I missed you so much." Rudra Said while hugging Rani. Rani hugged him back. Aditya rolled his eyes seeing them.

" Come beta you also have lunch. i know you will be so hungry ." 

"Hmm Mom I am so hungry , I didnt had lunch because of this Adi. You know because of his meeting i had to wait."

Rudra said while making a puppy face making Rani melt but Aditya rolled his eyes in extreme anger.

"Come both of you have your lunch." Rani said and made them eat the food.



After having their lunch, Aditya was going to go towards his room when heard a voice..

???:- AAADDIII !

He turned around and looked at the girl. It was non other than Aditi. Aditi run towards him and hugged him. Seeing Them Rani and Rudra rolled their eyes. Rani did not liked Aditi since childhood because she saw how Aditi always took advantage of Aditya when ever she needed.

She knew it that she was using her son just for her benefit. But Aditya was in love with her and didnt liked anybody speaking bad about Aditi.

Rudra Also didnt liked her because he saw how Aditi used to some times lie about herself just to impress Aditya. She bullied everyone in school and acted innocent in- front of Aditya and blamed others for the things done by her.

Aditya was so blind in her love and coudnt hear any insult about Aditi. But was it love for him or just a attraction.

( Back to the story)

"  I missed you so much Adi."

" I missed you too." 

"Hmm if you missed me why didnt you contacted me ?" Aditi asked trying to act cute and Rudra could stop himself and made a face showing he was disgusted seeing Aditi's act. 

" I was busy their dont worry about that. Have you eaten your lunch ?"

" Yes . By the way have you given me money in my account ?"

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