Chapter 12

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Author's POV- 

Aditya was sleeping on his bed peacefully. It was 11:00 AM yet he was still sleeping because he was drunk and was to tired. It was Friday and yet he was sleeping this late for the very first time. 

If it was his regular working day he would be so mad at himself for waking up this late. Luckily he had given holiday today in office because he knew that he won't be able to get up from bed after any party. 

Rani came inside his room and saw him still sleeping. She chuckle and saw how cute her son was looking while sleeping. She placed her hand on his head and softly spoke to him. 

Rani:- Wake up beta it is 11 AM in the morning. 

Aditya opened his eyes and saw him mom siting trying to wake him up. He groan and placed his head on his mother's lap. 

Rani:- headache ? 

Aditya nodded . She gave him a glass of lemon juice.

Rani:- Drink This. Come freshen up , Dad and I want to talk something with you. After getting fresh come in living room. 

Aditya nodded his head and Rani went from there. When she left he groaned and tried to remember what had happened last night. He grabbed his head. He was feeling like someone has hit him with a metal rod in his head. 

He slowly got up from bed and went to washroom. .





After half an hour he came down stairs and saw Dadu and dadi siting there talking with his parents. 

He smiled Seeing them. Aditya went towards them and touched there feet. 

Radha:- Khush raho beta Humesha. ( Always stay happy son). 

Anurag:- Sit beta. We all want to talk with you. 

Aditya:- Is everything okay na ? 

Rani:- It is beta but you sit na. 

Aditya sat down on the couch. He never saw her mother this serious before. Rani came and sat in front him, Seeing her mother on knees Aditya immediately tried to get up but Rani held his hands tightly. 

Rani:- Listen Beta. I know that you will be angry on us for taking this decision with out your permission but believe me we are doing this for you only. We have decided to get you married before you turn 30. 

Aditya:- No problem in that maa but who is the girl ? Is she Aditi ? 

Rani:- Beta... She is not Aditi. She Is employ at your company Riya Singh. 

After hearing her name Aditya was shocked as hell. His mind became blank for a few minutes. It felt like his family members were betraying his by doing this. 

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