Chapter 6

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While I was going i suddenly was called by someone.

Raghav:- Miss Riya Aditya sir is calling you in his cabin right now.

Riya :- Me in his cabin right now ?

Raghav:- Yes.

Riya:- Okay can you tell me where will be his cabin ?

Raghav:- Sure mam please follow.

He said and I followed his direction. I knew why he was calling me ofcourse for that day.

Well if I get a chance I will say sorry to him but not for anything else.

He showed me his direction and told me to enter his cabin.

I entered his cabin and it was really pretty.

While I was looking around his office suddenly I was lifted up in air

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While I was looking around his office suddenly I was lifted up in air. It was non other than that jerk.

He placed me on his table ,pinned me down to table and smriked at me.

Aditya:- Shock to see me babygirl ?

Riya:- Nope.

Aditya :- you are not shocked to see me ?

Riya:- Obviously I know you . Common you are the CEO of this company.

HE started at my face and smirked at me.

Aditya:- Then get ready babygirl I will give you a hard punishment everyday.

He said to me in a teasing manner. I was so shocked to react but I Am Riya Singh so I did the same.

I placed me hands on his neck and pulled him more closure to making him shocked.

Riya:- Which type of hard punishment Daddy ?

I said to him in a teasing manner making him more shocked but instead of pushing me he grabbed my waist and pulled me more close to him and smriked at me.

Aditya:- The punishment that I will give you then the only name you will remember is mine only babygirl.

Riya:- What ?

Aditya:- Nothing babygirl so get ready you will be working from tomorrow onwards.

Riya:- I know that anything else you want to share ?

I said to him while removing my hands from his neck but instead he grabbed my hands and once again placed them on his neck.

I was so shocked to react.

Aditya:- Hmm so yeah you were saying something?

He asked me but I once again removed my hand from his neck but he grabbed my wrist tighter and place them on his neck pulling really close to him.

Aditya:- Never leave me until I say so.

Riya :- When will you say to leave you ?

Aditya:- Never in my life.

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