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It was a sunny and exciting day for Leah. After weeks of waiting, it was finally the day she would sign her contract with FC Barcelona. She was at the club facilities, surrounded by a vibrant and energetic atmosphere.

As she walked through the hallways of the stadium, Leah felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. Her dream of playing for one of the most prestigious clubs in the world was about to come true. Every step she took brought her closer to her new team and a new chapter in her career.

Upon arriving at the meeting room, Leah met several members of the club, including the technical director and the president. She was impressed by the warmth and enthusiasm with which they welcomed her. Everyone expressed confidence in her talent and her potential to contribute to the team's success.

While waiting for her turn to sign the contract, Leah could see her new teammates training on the field. She admired their skill and passion for the game. She was aware that she would be surrounded by talent and would have the opportunity to learn and grow as a football player.

Suddenly, a familiar voice resonated behind her.

"Leah, it's so great to see you here!" It was Alexia Putellas, the team captain and y/n's sister, whom Leah had met at Lucy's birthday party.

Leah turned around and smiled. "Hi Alexia! It's great to see you again. I'm excited to join the team and play alongside all of you."

Alexia embraced Leah enthusiastically. "We're thrilled to have you here. We know you'll be a great addition to the team. And, by the way, congratulations on y/n. It seems like you've found something special in Barcelona."

Leah smiled, remembering her instant connection with y/n. "Yes, y/n is an incredible person. I'm grateful to have met her."

As they chatted, the technical director called them to begin the contract signing. Leah said goodbye to Alexia and headed towards the room, filled with excitement and determination.

Signing the contract was a significant moment for Leah. With each stroke of her pen, she committed not only to representing the colors of FC Barcelona but also to giving her best in every training session and match.

Upon leaving the room, Leah was greeted with applause and congratulations from the players and club staff. She felt at home, surrounded by a group of talented and passionate women who loved football.

The coach approached Leah with a smile. "Officially welcome to FC Barcelona, Leah. I'm excited to work with you and see what you can bring to the team."

Leah thanked the coach and joined the other players on the training field.

Y/n approached Leah with a warm smile and hugged her.

"It's great to have you as part of the team."

Leah smiled, feeling a special connection between them. She knew their friendship had blossomed unexpectedly, but she had a sense that their relationship could reach new levels.

"I'm going to the field, okay? See you in a while, beautiful." Leah dared to approach and give a kiss to the younger Putellas.

As she joined the other players on the training field, Leah immersed herself fully in her new environment.

During the training session, Leah gave her all, demonstrating her dedication and talent in every exercise and play. The FC Barcelona players were a formidable team, and each training session represented an exciting challenge to overcome.

After an intense training session, the players headed to the locker room to shower and prepare for the rest of the day. Leah felt tired but full of energy, knowing that each training session brought her closer to her best version as a football player.

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