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It was a night filled with nerves and excitement at Alexia's house. The captain had organised a dinner for the entire team, a way to unite before the Champions League final against Lyon in Bilbao. Alexia's home was full of laughter, lively conversations, and the aroma of homemade food that everyone had meticulously prepared.

In the centre of the living room, a long table was decorated with the team's colours, and each player had a designated spot. Among them, y/n, Alexia's sister and Leah's partner, moved naturally, as if she were one of the team.

"Come on, girls, to the table!" announced Alexia, grabbing everyone's attention.

The players sat down, and the conversation flowed immediately. The excitement for the final was present in every word, every laugh, every look. It was a moment of unity before the battle.

Leah and y/n sat together, as usual, and Alexia sat opposite them, observing her sister and her teammate with a satisfied smile. She knew how important this moment was for everyone.

"Alright, girls," Alexia began, "we need to talk about the plans for tomorrow. We leave early for Bilbao, so we need to be organised. Does anyone have any questions or suggestions?"

Aitana raised her hand, always ready to participate. "I just want to know the exact time we leave and if we have any activities planned for the afternoon when we arrive at the hotel."

Alexia nodded. "Good question. We leave at eight sharp, so we need to be at the Ciutat Esportiva by seven-thirty to load the bus and make sure we don't forget anything. As for the afternoon, we can gather in the hotel's common room and see what to do. But in the evening, we have a video session to review the match strategy."

Mapi, sitting next to Aitana, couldn't resist joking. "I hope the video session includes a decent movie and not just our old matches. I need something to make me laugh, not just stress."

Laughter echoed through the room, momentarily relieving the tension. Y/n seized the moment to raise her hand and ask a question that had been on her mind.

"Alexia, I have a question. I know couples usually don't stay together in the rooms during trips, but I'd like to know if I can stay with Leah. I think it would be good for both of us."

The room fell silent for a moment. Alexia looked at her sister with a thoughtful expression while the other players exchanged curious glances.

Mapi couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Well, well! Looks like you've got plans for a lively night. Just hope you don't wake us up with your noises."

More laughter followed Mapi's joke, but Leah leaned forward, looking at Alexia seriously.

"She's serious, Alexia. It would help us a lot to be together, especially after everything that's happened lately. We promise not to disturb anyone."

Alexia nodded slowly. "Alright, but just this once. I understand it's a special situation, and I trust you both. But remember, we need to stay focused for the match."

"Leah, you know, no funny business in the hotel, eh?" said Keira, winking.

Laughter erupted again, and Leah couldn't help but blush as the other players laughed and made teasing comments.

Y/n smiled, grateful. "Thanks, Alexia. We promise."

The dinner continued with a cheerful and planning atmosphere. They talked about tactics, reminisced about previous matches, and laughed at the funniest moments of the season. It was a night to strengthen bonds, to remember that they were a team, a family.

The next morning, at seven-thirty, everyone was ready in front of the masia. The bus was prepared, and the players started loading their luggage. There was a mix of nerves and excitement in the air, but also a sense of determination. They knew they had a great opportunity ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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