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After a long week of exhausting training and the match they had played hours earlier, Leah began planning dinner. She decided to prepare her famous pasta dish with tomato and basil sauce, accompanied by a delicious salad and a selection of wines. She knew her guests would love it.

Dinner time arrived, and Leah was busy in the kitchen, cooking with passion and concentration. The delicious aromas filled the house, creating a cozy and appetizing atmosphere. The sound of soft background music added a touch of elegance to the occasion.

Gradually, her guests started to arrive. Alba and y/n were the first to arrive, bringing a bottle of wine and a beautiful plant as a gift. Leah welcomed them with a smile and a warm hug.

"Hello, girls! Thanks for coming," Leah said gratefully.

Y/n smiled and kissed her. "Thanks for inviting us, Leah."

Alba nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I hope you didn't invite us just for your famous pasta!"

Leah laughed. "Well, that too, but mainly I wanted to thank you for all the support. I know you all are going to be very special people in my life."

Leah's teammates started to arrive shortly after. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, lively chatter, and excitement about sharing a meal together. The table was elegantly decorated, and Leah had prepared a spectacular menu.

During dinner, conversations flowed naturally. They talked about soccer, the challenges and achievements on the field, and the fun moments shared in the locker room. Leah looked at y/n with gratitude, feeling fortunate to have her in her life.

After dinner, Leah served a homemade dessert, a chocolate cake that made everyone exclaim in delight. They laughed, shared anecdotes, and enjoyed each other's company. It was a special night filled with love and friendship.

"Mmmm, this is so good," y/n said, wiping a bit of chocolate from her lips.

"You have some too, come here," the English girl got closer to the younger one.

As the evening came to an end, Leah stood up and looked at her guests with a smile.

"I want to thank you again for being here. You've made this night unforgettable. You're amazing, and I'm grateful to have you in my life. And, of course, thanks to y/n for her constant support."

Y/n started talking.

"Leah, from the moment we met you, we knew you were a special person. We're very happy to be part of your life and to see you achieve your dreams in soccer. We're here to support you always, on and off the field."

Alba nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly, and you can always count on us for future dinners and anything you need."

Leah felt overwhelmed by the warmth and love of her friends. She knew she had found a circle of exceptional people in her life, especially in the Putellas sisters.

The night continued with laughter and lively conversations until the early hours of the morning. Finally, when laughter turned into sighs of satisfaction, everyone got up from the table and headed to the cozy sofa in the living room. They settled in, feeling full and satisfied from the delicious dinner and warm company.

Everyone naturally found themselves sitting together on the sofa. Leah and y/n hugged tenderly, feeling closer than ever. The soft music continued to play in the background, creating a relaxed and cozy atmosphere.

"This has been a wonderful night, Leah. Thank you for inviting us," y/n said, snuggling up to Leah.

Alba nodded with a smile. "Yes, it's been great. Your pasta is amazing, Leah."

Soulmates ~ Leah Williamson and youWhere stories live. Discover now