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Match day, Leah's first official match as a Blaugrana player. She was eager to prove her worth on the field and contribute to her new team's success. In the locker room, alongside her teammates, she mentally and physically prepared herself for the impending challenge.

As she put on her uniform and adjusted her boots, a feeling of nervousness and excitement washed over her. She knew her actions on the field would be watched by thousands of fans and followers of the Catalan team.

Just before heading onto the field, y/n and Alba, Alexia's sisters, approached the dressing room.

"Hi there!" y/n exclaimed as she entered.

"Look at her, the one who never wanted to enter the locker room because she found it boring," Mapi said.

"Hush, I like it. This way, I get to see all my friends," y/n replied, knowing she had entered for one particular person.

"You've been acting strange lately. Earlier, you said you want to come to all the games and support Ale more" Alba added.

Meanwhile, Lucy and Keira (with the help of Patri and Aitana) translated the entire conversation for Leah.

"Very kind of you, little sister, but we all know you're not here for me or our friends," Alexia said.

"Leah, she's Alba, Alexia's other sister. Alba, this is Leah, our new and excellent player," Patri introduced them.

After the introductions, y/n took Leah by the hand and pulled her aside to encourage her.

"You're going to do great, blondie," the youngest of the Putellas smiled, making the English woman blush.

"I brought you something," Leah gave her a shirt with her number and name, which y/n put on instantly.

"I love it, thank you," and she leaned in to give Leah a kiss, which the older woman reciprocated.

"And there's your explanation, Alba," Alexia pointed towards where her sister and teammate were sharing an intimate moment.

"Wow, I knew she wouldn't come down here unless it was for something, considering how much she likes to just get in and sit in her seat," Alba remarked.

The two blondes returned to where the other girls were, and Alba looked at her sister.

"You've been keeping quiet about this, sis."

"You didn't ask, so surprise."

"We can have a sisters and couples' night, the three of us."

"You're moving pretty fast, we're still getting to know each other."

"Step by step (poco a poco)" Leah said in perfect Spanish as Lucy continued to translate.

"She's already fully immersed in Spanish" y/n hugged her from the side and pecked her lips.

"Well, when she learns more, it's turn for the big sister talk," Alexia joked, and Leah made a scared face.

"Lucy, are you sure you translated that correctly? She looks scared."

"Come on, you just told the girl that you're going to give her a talk; I'd be scared too," Mapi chimed in.

The stadium was filled with energy and excitement as Barcelona took the field. The fans were chanting the names of every player, including Leah. It was a moment of pride and excitement for her.

As the game progressed, Leah showcased her skills in every move and play. She defended with determination, displaying her strength and agility. Furthermore, her vision and precision in passing helped create scoring opportunities for her team.

From the stands, y/n and Alba couldn't stop cheering and rooting for Leah. They joined in the excitement of the fans, celebrating each successful intervention by the English woman.

As the game neared its end, the score was tied. The opposing team defended fiercely, but the home team continued to press for victory.

In the final minutes of the game, Leah took the initiative and joined the team's attack. She received a precise pass and fired a powerful shot at the goal. The ball grazed the crossbar and found the back of the net. Goal! The stadium erupted in jubilation, celebrating Leah's goal and Barcelona's lead.

Y/n and Alba embraced each other, unable to contain their joy. They couldn't have been prouder of Leah's performance and how she had made her mark on the game.

The match ended with Barcelona's victory. The players celebrated on the field, applauding the effort and teamwork. Leah, with a satisfied smile on her face, joined in the celebration. She knew she had made a good impression in her first game and was excited about what the future held.

After the game, y/n and Alba approached Leah in the locker room.

"You did amazing, Leah! We're so proud of you," y/n said, hugging her warmly.

"Yes, it was a spectacular goal. You've won the fans' hearts," Alba added, with a radiant smile.

Leah thanked her friends and teammates for their support. She knew it wouldn't have been possible without them.

"Thank you, girls. Your support means a lot to me. I'm happy to be part of this team and to have you by my side," Leah replied, gratitude in her voice.

The three shared a moment of joy before Leah joined the rest of the team in the post-game celebrations.

After the excitement in the locker room and the celebrations with the team, Leah wanted to do something nice for her teammates.

"Girls, I want to thank you in a special way for all your support. How about you all come to my house for dinner? It would be great to celebrate together."

They all eagerly accepted the invitation.

"We'd love to. It will be an amazing night," y/n responded, smiling broadly.

"Yes, it's an excellent idea," Alba added, excitedly nodding.

"Anyone would think those two are on the team," Marta said.

"We play from the stands," y/n said.

"But you've never touched a ball in your life," her older sister replied.

"Alexia, if I stepped onto that field, I'd steal the Ballon d'Or from you this season."

"You sure? We'll have a closed-door match then."

"I'm in," Mapi chimed in.

Leah smiled at the joy on their faces and knew that this dinner would be a special occasion to celebrate not only her success in the game but also the friendship and unwavering support they shared as a team.


Remember to comment if you've got ideas you'd like for me to include :)

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