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Hello! By the time I publish this, you'll already be able to read the first chapter of my new story. I hope you like it!


The next day, Leah and t/n woke up together, wrapped in each other's arms in Leah's bed. The sunlight filtered through the curtains, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere. They exchanged smiles and a tender kiss before getting up to start the day.

They decided to enjoy a quiet breakfast together. T/n prepared some toast and fruits while Leah made coffee. They sat at the kitchen table, sharing laughter and relaxed conversations.

"Last night was amazing, t/n. Thanks for making it so special," Leah said, looking at t/n with gratitude.

T/n smiled. "I did it happily. I love spending time with you."

After breakfast, they decided to take a stroll around the neighborhood, hand in hand, enjoying the sun and the fresh breeze. They talked about their plans for the day and shared dreams and aspirations.

They had lunch at a terrace in Barcelona and walked back home. Upon returning, they decided to spend the afternoon watching a movie on the couch. They cuddled together, enjoying each other's company. During the movie, Leah gently wrapped her arm around t/n, creating a closer bond between them.

After the movie, while Leah and t/n shared laughs and whispers, t/n's phone rang with the familiar ringtone of a call. Checking, she saw it was Alexia, her older sister and Leah's team captain.

"Hey, Alee. What's up?"

"Hey, t/n. How are you?" Alexia asked with enthusiasm.

"We're great, and you?"

"Good, good. Hey, I was thinking you two could come over to my place this afternoon. Since we don't have training, I'd love to catch up. What do you think?"

T/n looked at Leah with a smile and then replied to Alexia, "Sure, we'd love to! What time?"

"Let's say around five. I have some surprises prepared."

"Perfect, we'll be there. Thanks, Alexia."

"Do you want to go to Alexia's house this afternoon? It seems she has some surprises for us," t/n said to Leah.

Leah nodded excitedly. "Of course! I'd love to spend time with Alexia too."

They decided to spend the rest of the afternoon in a relaxed manner before heading to Alexia's house. They dressed casually and enjoyed quiet time at home, sharing laughter and confidences.

When the time came, they headed to Alexia's house, which was a short drive away. Upon arrival, Alexia welcomed them with a warm smile.

"Hey, girls! I'm glad you came. I have something set up in the garden. Come, you're going to love it."

They entered the garden and found an elegantly decorated table with a selection of snacks and drinks. Soft music filled the space, creating a cozy atmosphere.

"Alexia, this is amazing. What are we celebrating?" Leah asked, excited about the surprise.

Alexia smiled. "There's no specific reason, I just wanted to have a good time together. And I also wanted to get to know my sister's girlfriend better."

The three spent a lovely afternoon, sharing laughter, anecdotes, and enjoying each other's company. Alexia and Leah got along well, and t/n felt grateful to have two of the most important women in her life sharing this special moment.

The afternoon continued with games, chats, and heartwarming moments. As the sun set and the garden lights lit up, the atmosphere became more intimate. Leah looked at t/n with affection, thankful for the special connections they were building.

Soulmates ~ Leah Williamson and youWhere stories live. Discover now