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     At the doctors' Office, sitting in the waiting room was a young lady about the age of 23. Not many knew of her mental state when in public, but she was an age regressor. Right now her mind and body is that of a four year old. Just sitting and waiting to be called in. Completely oblivious to the terrible pain she'll be feeling very SOON...
     "Ms. Lily Dean?" There at the door, the nurse was looking out for anyone to answer.
"Now that looks like a very nice nurse!" little Ms. Lily Dean whispered to herself. "I'm right here! Is the doctor ready for me already!?" You could hear the child - like voice almost squeal out(!) in excitement just ready to be seen.
    "Almost sweetie, we just need to check upon a few things before the Doctor does, Okay?" The very nice nurse explains as the two of them walk to a "HUGE" flat thing that weighs everyone. As Lily Dean gets weighed and gets her height checked, the nurse tries to make a small conversation with her. At every question asked, Lily answers with excitement, not even noticing that her "littlespace" is quite obvious to the nurse. Who, in turn, will definitely make note for the doctor.
                   ~~~ In the medical Room #3 ~~~

      "Well now we wait for a short bit. I have everything I need to take note of...anything else you would like the doctor to know about today? Or do you have any qestions?" The very kind nurse asked Ms. Lily Dean before getting ready to leave.
      " I don't think-ith soooo? Just as long as I don't need any Pokies!" The last part of the sentence was said with a face of wide eyes and a mini pout.
    "Pokies? Ooh, you mean shots...hmm. Well I think you may have to ask doctor about that one. I'm not too sure on what they have planned for you today." - There was a pause before there was a response...
       "So you don't know...? Okay then. I guess I will have to wait." Another pout came on. With that, the nurse left and little Ms. Lily Dean was all alone.
     After what felt like FOREVER (!) the doctor finally knocked on the door and after hearing a small "come in", they entered the medical room. The doctor looked friendly enough, and said hello, but she was getting pretty nervous now. Finally, the doctor sat down after washing their hands, opened the computer and began writing a few things down in/on a notepad. Neither one said anything during the first 30 seconds.
     "Soo, Uhm-am I growing doctor...? Like, am I healthy enough to not get any pokies?" Lily Dean asked after she seen the doctor finally stopped writing. The doctor had to look over the nurses' notes before answering.
        "Well Ms. Lily Dean, before we answer that question, can you tell me how old you are? And possibly what brought you in today?" The doctor asked, slowly enough for Lily to understand and waited for her to answer patiently.
      "Hmm... I am this many! (Holding up 4 fingers ) and I uhm - am here to make sure I am healthy!" Lily Dean said, she was very proud to have remembered what age she was and why she was at that silly office in the first place.
       "Oh, I see.Very good Lily Dean. So, yes, you are at a healthy weight, and height. I just need to check your heartbeat, breathing and make other routine checks before we get to your questions. Okay? Shall we get started?" Asked the doctor.
<Man this doctor is really kind...> Thought Lily,
"Uhm, okay, I got it!" She answered enthusiastically.
As the doctor did the check-up, there was a small conversation. Tiny voices answering every question with honesty, and little stories being told in between the short breaks the doctor took to write down the notes.

~~~ Shot...? ~~~

      "So, I see heard that you had a question for me, about having to get a that correct?" The docter asked carefully, examining Lilys' face. The once excited face, turned into a worried and very anxious one as soon as the word "shot" was said. The doctor seen this and tried to explain that it was only a question and she needn't worry about it at this moment. At hearing the soothing words, she soon calms down, but hides away any anxiety that lingered on. There was a small pause before the doctor spoke again.
      "Hmm... Well, I don't mean to nor do I want to, because my intent is to make sure you are healthy. Unfortunately, you are due for your last shot. Your last vaccine, Okay? You may feel a small poke, but I promise you'll get a prize at the end." The doctor spoke slowly, but it was enough for little Ms. Lily Dean to understand.
     "Soo, there is NO way for me to do it later or ... Or ...get it another time??" She tried asking without making those crying puppy eyes. The doctor wanted to coo because of her demeanor, but keeping their voice even, continued to say: "I'm sorry deary, but you've pushed it back already for a few months. Now, we were able to do that because it was during a 6 month period, that period of time ends this month." Another long pause.
     Small sniffles were heard by the doctor. They were affraid of this happening. Lily Dean was their FAVORITE patient, seeing her cry was so incredibly heartbreaking for everyone in the office. Well no one wanted to see her cry, but they knew they had to keep her as healthy as they could! No one was ever ready for her soft cries.
    The doctor began to talk VERY softly: "Oh, Lily. I'm sorry, but you know why we have to give you a small poke today right?" By now the doctor was standing infront of her, and began kneeling down. Gently patting her knee, trying to calm her down. Lily looked at the doctor.. With a pout, large puppy eyes filled with tears rolling down her rosy cheeks, she finally nodded. The doctor handed her a tissue.
    "Will you be okay to get the one super duper tiny pokie? If it hurts too much, then you can get two prizes okay?" The doctor said the last line with a promise.
She looked closely at the doctor and finally said: " You ... pinky Promise...?" Holding out her small pinky finger. Smiling, the doctor said: "I pinky promise."
     "Okay then... I will get the one pokie." Lily tried to give the doctor a big girl smile. (She just wanted to put up a tough face for the prizes to come.) But she'll admit it was a bit hard to do after crying. The doctor left the room to get the nurse and Lily Dean was alone once again.

~~~Yes, Shot ~~~

     After a short time passed, there was a knock at the door. There was another small "Come in" and the nurse walked in with all the supplies needed for that one dreadful shot.
      "Are you ready now? If not, I can give you some time." The very kind nurse asked patiently and Lily once again thought the people here were so amazing.
      "Uhm... yes, I think I am ready for the thing. I had a short bit to calm down already. Thank you." Lily Dean really wasn't ready, but she was trying to be. Especially with two prizes on the line! As the nurse was getting everything ready, Lily was feeling nervous again. The nurse noticed this and began to talk to her about Disney
songs and characters that she may have liked. Soon the tense feeling went away and Lily was humming a Disney tune that she knew by heart.
         "Okay, I'm going to clean the top of your arm and wait for the spot to dry before the poke okay?" Lily nodded at what the nurse said, but continued to hum her favorite song.
       Then the nurse spoke again: "Alrighty, on the count of 3. Ready?"  Lily closed her eyes tightly waiting for it.
        The counting began: "1... 2... 3..." There it was. That painful stabbing feeling in the top of her arm, only lasting a moment, but she felt it...
      No loud cries were heard from Lily. Only big fat tears rolled down from her eyes onto her cheeks, and sniffles could be heard as she tried oh SO hard to stay quiet and make the least amount of noise.
      "Oh my, look at you little Ms. Lily Dean! You did such a good job! I'm so proud of you." As soon as the Band-Aid was put on, the Very kind nurse gave praises and Lily looked up at them and gave a HUGE smile, even though the tears were still rolling down. Now that she has a Hello Kitty Band-Aid covering the painful spot, the doctor came in one last time.
     "Now there she is, our tough Lily Dean! Here you are, just as I promised. You can pick three if you'd like. I have stickers, candy and small toys." Smiled the Doctor. Of course Lily picked one of everything and said "thank you" to both the nurse and Doctor.
      While checking out of the office and making sure she didn't have to make another appointment (for a while at least), she made sure to tell the everyone to "have a good day and thank you for being SO kind!" Even though her arm was going to hurt a while, she was happy the staff took very good care of her.

The End ❤️

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