Too excited?

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   "Once upon a time, no, in the beginning of time, the people wanted, craving it more and more...the finest, with just a hint of toasty color, baked bread, and the most lusious, richest cheese... What could even be more delicious than a..."
She held her breath in anticipation.
"A...Grilled cheese.."
She couldn't believe her new cooking comic started out with so much power that Lily was now seriously thinking about making herself a grilled cheese. Just as the comic had technically "instucted" her to do. Lily soon heard her stomach rumble loudly, telling her that it was hungry. With a sigh, she decided it was indeed time to eat anyway. Seeing that it was almost noon, and it being the weekend, she wanted to go visit the 'Soup Shop', definitely to get a grilled cheese sandwich, and maybe a small cup of soup.
"Hum... Should  I call someone?" Lily asked herself outloud, "Hmm, I guess I can ask Ren if he'd like to tag along with me.."

Telephone call: Ring~

Ren answered after the first ring, "Hey Lil' what's up? No work today?"
"Hello RenRen. No, I don't have work today, bu I  was wondering if you wanted to go for lunch at the 'Soup Shop' with me?" Lily responded curiously.
"Oh, sure, I haven't been there for quite some time.Maybe they have some new food to try." Ren agreed quickly and told Lily that he'll pick her up in a few. Which sounded perfect to her.

End of call.

When Ren picked Lily up, all he heard from Lily, repeatedly, was how good that grilled cheese sounded in the comic. With the lightly toasted bread, richest cheese, 'can you imagine that!?' he kept hearing. He couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement, as they pulled into the parking lot. Lily nearly jumped out of the car as soon as it was parked!! Which shocked him, but just made Ren laugh that much harder. Lily couldn't believe it, there wasn't even a line today!
"Yes! RenRen, look, we get to be first! Quick, let's hurry!" She pulled on his arm towards the cashier and began ordering, saying everything so fast, that the cashier must've wished that they had faster reflexes.
"-Okay. That is all for me, did you get my grilled cheese-Yes? Awesome, thank you. Your turn RenRen." He didn't even notice that is was already his turn to order until Lily smiled at him. Smiling back, he began his order, although talking much slower than Lily, which made the cashier relax a bit more. Ren took notice of this and made a mental note to bring it up to Lily after they eat.
They sit across from each other by a window, and start making small talk.

    Finally, after 'forever' as Lily claimed, they recieved their food, and Lily lets out a semi-silent squeal.
"Ohh~my~goodness, RenRen, this grilled cheese is what the comic was trying to tell me about...!" Lily explained all the details of the story again and tried comparing it to her sandwhich. Ren smiled, and ate quietly while listening to Lily go on and on. Soon, they were almost done eating, and of course Lily was still talking about the details.
"So, Lil?" Ren started once she had paused, now all of her attention was on him.
"I was just thinking, since you are wonderful and such a delight when you are excited and do you think that you and I can practice on how to order when excited?"
Lily looked a bit confused and smiled, "Okay? But...what for???"
"Well, I was just noticing, that while being excited is good, you may have talked a bit too quickly for the cashier." Ren explained, without ptting her down. Lily noticed that he was being cautious around his words, which made her feel safe enough to respond and talk.
"Oh, I did? I didn't even notice.." Lily sudddenly feeling shy, scratches at her neck. Ren quickly said, "That's okay, and I understand that everyone tends to get excited." He smailed, then continued, "Now, when we talk a tad too fast, someone might feel overwhelmed from our energy." Lily was listening carefully, and was wondering back to the cashier, how they were trying to keep up with her. She was wondering if she should apologize for it, but heard Ren continue, "Now, there is no need to apologize. Remember, this is just something I had noticed. Do you think it will be good if you and I can practice a scenario of excitement when we go back to your place?" Leaving the question open, Ren looked at Lily, and she looked like she was thinking about it. Replying, "Well, I think we can practice a little bit. Are you sure I don't have to say sorry?" Lily had asked with big puppy eyes, Ren cooed and went to sit by her. Hugging her softly, he reassured her that it was all good, and the cashier was a bit shocked but was alright. Lily looked up at Ren and smiled too, saying, "Okay, let's go practice~."

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