Sleepover Pt.2

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    "So, what movie should we watch?? He began, "We have....and finally....MEGAM-"
     "MEGAMIND!!!!! I love MEGAMIND!!" Lily Dean was so excited she couldn't help but shout out, that movie was her absolute favorite. Suddenly feeling a familiar happiness that only comes from her regression, she becomes a little worried, hoping that RenRen didn't notice....she takes a peek at him, and he's laughing at her excitment.. She blushes SO hard and quickly looks away. Not noticing that he was beginning to look at her, but regardless, he stares at the soft smile Lily tried to hide. Gosh, he can't believe they're actually having a sleepover. Even though they have a sleepover at least once a month, he still thinks it's a dream (this boy is a whipped man).
   "-Ren..Rennie? Helloo??'' Lily Dean waves her hand in his face, this crazy boy totally zoned out..again. He zones out ALL the time, especially when they're about to watch a movie. "Hmmmm...RENREN!!" She finally screams.
    "Ahh! Sorryy, what did you say? I swear I was listening...maybe??" RenRen smiled weakly, trying to distract from his face, which was red as a tomato. Lily Dean giggled for a monent before saying:
    "You were zoning out again.. hehe like always."

   Blushing even more, RenRen just smiled at her. After "coming back to Earth" as Lily said, they started to play the movie and making sure they had enough popcorn and sweet treats, like Ice Cream and cookies, for Lily Dean.

    As the movie started, you soon heard Lily begin to quote EVERY line. Of course, she was quiet about it, almost like a whisper, so she won't disturb RenRen, but even if she was a bit louder, Ren wouldn't mind. He loves how her brain works, memorizing every line in a movie is something he could never do, but Lily, she knows just about every single one of her favorite movies. 'Man, she is SO amazing' he smiles and thinks to himself as the beginning of the movie goes on.
    "Oh!! My favorite part is coming up!" Lily says quickly, just so she won't miss it. Laughter filling the room from the both of them, as they relax on the sea of pillows and plush blankets. They look at each other whenever something fun and silly happens, all the while they're just enjoying each others presence. Lily Dean was having such a great time between the movie and the  snacks, not to mention she kept trying to steal glances at RenRen...she was ALMOST caught a couple times, but would easily cover it up by asking 'want some more snacks?' and 'that was funny right?!' Each and every time, Ren would smile at her cuteness, while playing along. Honestly, how could he not notice her staring a hole into the side of his face! He didn't mind, of course, he loved when she would pay attention to him, even if it was just for a few moments throughout the movie. Stares and all. Soon, the movie was going to end, and both of them were tomatoes(!) and couldn't stop smiling and hiding the blush that was, Oh!, so evident.

   "Ahhh~ That was a good first movie! Aaand it's still early! Only 7:00pm." Lily Dean says happily. They soon take any bathroom breaks and head towards the kitchen for any drink refills and snacks. Soon, they're talking excitedly about their favorite parts and laughing all over again together. As they both made their way back to the fort, Lily got all comfy once again and prepared to look for the next movie.
    "Oops! Almost forgot..!" Then RenRen says he has another 'surprise for her', and runs off to his bedroom for a quick second. Once again, Lily is left a bit confused, 'what could he possibly have now?' she whispered to herself as she begins to sit up off the floor.
     "Okay!! I'm back, can you close your eyes and hold your hands out please??" Ren waited until he heard a small 'okay', and placed a very special stuffed animal in her hands. Oh, how anxiety filled his heart, he wanted her to love it so bad...!
   "OK! You can open your eyes now..!" As nervous as he was, he was excited to see her reaction. Knowing that she's been wanting this stuffie for so long......
   "OMG!! OMG!! THIS ONE!! HOW- AHHHHHHHH!!! I LOVE IT!" Lily couldn't help herself at this point! She quickly got up and gave RenRen the tightest huge she could. Of course he gladly returned the hug.
   "I love it so much, where did you even find this strawberry bunnnyyyy!?!?" She questioned, and excitedly waited for his answer.
   "Hmmmm...I don't know if I should teellll yooouuu~~" He teased, "But in all honesty, it wouldn't be a complete surprise if the location of the gift is told . Don't you know thaaatt?? Hmmm~~." He teased her again. A small pout came on, but soon went away because she knew it was no use in trying to get the answer out of him, thats why she was teased in the first place. Smiling up at him, she agreed, except there was no pouting this time. In the back of her mind, the thought flashed of what it would feel and be like if she regressed..right here..and now..just for a moment she felt a calmness, and tried to brushed it off, but it just - kind of lingered..
     Obviously, Ren noticed Lilys' smile was a bit different this time, but he could tell what she was thinking. If she was comfortable enough, she would regress, but he knows on the inside, she may be afraid of a bad reaction; Although he had seen her regress one time when they were out at the mall one day, while looking at some dessert shops and clothes nearby. Not everyone was friendly towards "Littlespace Lily", but he made sure to protect her from the rude eyes, and nasty comments that were being said behind her back..hopefully shedidn'tt hear any of them. Ugh, of course, it had to be the elderly, always staring and glarin. They never understand that someone may be going through something. So, from that day on, he promised to take care of her and protect her "little" as much as he could.
After a short while, the hug was still tight, and Lilys' eyes were starting to wander away, so Ren spoke first...
   "Lily, please don't be afraid, I'm not going to say anything, so; if you need to, or even want to, please know that you are more than welcome to." Ren said softly, and she knew exactly what he that moment she knew why she felt a calm, and what her ''little'' was trying to say (''You will be fine, and safe here, I promise").
    "Thank you RenRen..." smiling at him, Lilys' eyes had more of a sparkle to them than before. Ren gave her another hug, and she gave him one in return. This time, not too long into the soft hug, he heard small giggles, and felt the stuffie begin to move, and so he loosened the hug to see what she was doing. He could've melted right on the spot. He heard the softest and most cutest voice call his name. 

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