Just Thinking

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"So far away~~" Lily Dean sings, completely engrossed in her own world. "Soo faarr~~ awa-AHHHHHH!!!" she quickly let out a scream as Ren touched her shoulder. Not even paying attention as Ren was approaching her from behind.
"Renn~~!!" She whined, "You reaallyy scared me! Stop laughing..!" She pleaded with Ren as he was still cracking up from her outburst, but soon found herself giggling at what had happened.
Laughingly, he responed, "I'm sorry, haha, but you should have seen how high you jumped!! Haha-" He continued to laugh and pat her shoulder. Making a small whine, Lily playfully punched his arm in return, "Wasn't even that high...!!" She made a face at him, which made him inwardly coo at the sight. Slowly the laughs faded, and Ren asked if she was ready to have some lunch, to which she happily, and playfully,  responed with a "Duh!". 


After eating, Ren and Lily sat on the couch. Curious for her plans, he asked, "So, what is on the agenda for today Lil?" "Hmmm.... I'm not too sure, I think I was planning on staying home today. What about you?"
"Well, I need to get to the shop and get some work done before we close tonight. After that I don't have anything planned." They continued with short conversations and talked about random things until Ren had to leave for work.


"Okay, yeah. Sounds good.. Give me a call when you're done, then we should be all set." Lily had gotten a call from work and had to reorganize everything that was previously planned. 'Good thing I work from home...' She thought to herself. RING...RING..."Hello?...Perfect! Sounds good to me. I'll set it for next week then... Okay, talk to you in the office next week." Lily Dean was finally off work after about half an hour. 'Finally~~' she thought to herself once again. 'I wonder what Ren is up to right now..? I know he had a couple things to do before closing the shop..' Out loud she hummed to herself, "Hmmm...". 'I think I will send him a quick text and see if he would like to go to the movies with me.'

Lily: Hoi hoioi! Would you like to see a movie with me, if it's not too late? There is supposed to be this really cute one that sounds fun and relaxing to see.
Ren: Heyoos! Sure, sounds like fun. What time? I close the shop at 8:00p.
Lily: Cool! There is a showing at 8:45p...does that work for you? OH!! May or may not need a ride... LOLOLOL @~@
Ren: Hah! When don't you need a ride!? Of course I'll pick you up. I'll be there shortly.

"Now, what to wear to a night movie.. Something nice and casual..? Ooooorrrrr something cute...Hmmm.???" She thinks aloud, while looking at her closet. 'Well, hopefully, I don't spill my drink or any popcorn on my shirt or worse...on him..by tripping over my clumsy feet...!!!' Just as shes putting on her shoes, she hears a knocking on the door. Looking through the peephole, you know..for safety...she sees that it is Ren standing there. A comforting sigh slides past her lips. 'He always looks so nice', Lily wasn't sure if she said that aloud or not, but was VERY thankful that the door was still closed.
Upon opening, Ren smiled and complimented on how nice she looked. As small blushes were beginning to show, she quickly looked down to her shoes. Finding them very interesting all of a sudden. Quickly looking up with big doe eyes, Ren had taken her hand, asking her if she was ready to go. Nodding her head in agreement because words and sentences escaped her brain. On the way, the radio was playing a very catchy song, and both were singing their hearts out.
"Reeeennnnn~~~~", Lily began, " What snacks do you want this time? Oh! What seats too???" Ren could tell she was beginning to get very excited for the movie, seeing as it was 8:40p and should be starting in five minutes. Ren pointed and answered, "Hmm.. Maybe some of this, and maybe that one...a large drink and a large popcorn please." ... After paying and finding their seats, which Lily preferred the middle section, 'Because the sound and picture is JUST right!', the commercials had already started and soon the theater began to dim.... As the movie played, they laughed and had their snacks, laughed, snacking and laughed some more. Their hands accidently touched, when grabbing popcorn,of course they both looked away blushing crazily. Even though, both wished that times like these would stay forever, where they can just be happy in each others presence. Both are so oblivious to one anothers feelings, that they only dream of holding each others hand and wishing they could spend forever with each each other.

"That was such a cute movie!" Lily exclaimed in the car, on the ride home, Ren agreed and said that he would look for it to bring over, for a sleepover in the future. "We need to plan our next sleepover - *YAWN* hmmm..." Lily Dean was getting pretty sleepy as she spoke. Eyes starting to close a bit each time she blinked. Ren smiled and, as always, inwardly cooed. Petting her head, he said that he will wake her up when they were at her apartment. Trying to disagree, Lily was already slipping into a sleep, a small whine of protest slipped but was gone as fast as it came, and Ren was already turning the radio down for her ears. It was still a bit of a ways before they made it to the apartment, but the peacefulness of each otherts presence was so comforting. He made it to the apartment, and just watched as she slept for a second before he started to doze off as well.


So, finally, the both of them went to their homes after the power nap in the car. Neither of them wanted to say goodnight, but knew that they eventually had to. Both, unknowingly, looked up at their ceiling in the room, wishing and hoping the other was thinking of tonight and remembering all the fun that they had. Lily was hoping that Ren was thinking of her, Ren did the same, just hoping that she was thinking of him.
Beginning to slip into sleep, they both whispered "Goodnight" up into the ceiling, and fell fast asleep.

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