Chapter 6

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POV Katara

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POV Katara

Zuko and I looked at the open door stunned.
"Oh, my spirits.." I fathom moving away from Zuko.
"I... I... I don't know what to say" I mumbled shutting close my robe. My fingers frantically began pushing my hair into one ponytail which had come undone on its own.

"You don't have to say anything," Zuko responded as he walked towards me about to hold me in his arms. But I couldn't allow that, as close as he came near me, my body moved just a hair of a second out of his reach.
"Zuko I can't ...
you have Mai...
I know how it feels to be cheated on,
..., I can't do this."

"Mai and I haven't been together in years ...honestly I don't think she even wants to be here".

My eyebrow instantly raised hearing that "So what are you saying?" I asked not covering how upset I was. "You were here kissing me because you haven't gotten anything in a while??"

"No, Katara," Zuko voiced coming closer once again. "I'm here because I cared for you... All those years ago in South Pole... when I ... Uhm came to your village..." Stopping himself Zuko realized what he was saying wasn't helping his case.
"Do you remember when Azula attacked us at the Western Air Temples ?" Zuko asked starting over.


"When I saw the ceiling falling above you I was afraid to death I wouldn't be able to get to you in time".
I stood there allowing him to put his arms on me as I remember the worried look in his eyes that day.
"When Azula shot lighting towards you during my Agni Kai... I prayed for it to hit me ...regardless if the outcome was my life being lost."

Zuko embraces me fully taking a hand to my chin, looking me fiercely in my eyes. "I never cared if I made it out alive, I just asked the heavens for you to be unharmed... that's was all I wished for... I'm not going to ask you to choose tonight... but I will want an answer eventually".

"Zuko..." was all I could manage to let escape my lips before Zuko kissed me once more. This time intensely he couldn't let go. He broke away and opened his eyes continuing the intense look of determination.
I walk him to the door not sure if my legs would give out.
"Goodnight," he said.

"Goodnight " I answered then closed my door.

Oh, my spirits! Did I just do that? Did that just happen?!
I look myself in my mirror changing out my bathrobe for something to sleep in. I pause as I look at my breast still slightly wet with small red bite marks.

I can't believe his tongue was on me.. and I didn't want it to stop...
I realized my womanhood was wet. Yes, I was a virgin and while I never let any man down there I knew how to please myself ...but did I want to... the first time I touched myself was to Zuko... after Aang saved me from the underground earth kingdom.
I was so angry with myself back then for wanting him after he betrayed us... betrayed ME... but I just couldn't help myself.

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