Chapter 3

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She looked from him to Elrond a moment and nodded.

"As long as that's alright with Lord Elrond," she softly said.

"Of course it's alright," he smiled. "You don't have to be so formal, it's been ten years you've been here after all."

"I just..." she looked into his eyes. "I just don't want you to think I take your kindness for granted. Ever."

"Never once have I felt like you did. In fact you do so much, and you really don't have to. This is a haven. And you're more than welcome to stay here, without feeling guilty," he said the last part and gave her a look.

She looked down a moment and chuckled. "I just want to earn my keep."

"You don't have to," Elrond said kindly. "You've already more than earned it anyway. The desserts you always make are astounding."

"Oh? You bake?" Gandalf asked.

"And cooks," Elrond replied, then smiled. "Many occasion she is the one always in the kitchen. And makes me the most delicious desserts."

She blushed a little, happy with the praise Elrond gave her. Gandalf could see the two were very close, and was happy for it.

"Thank you," she softly said and nodded.

"Did you prepare anything here?" Gandalf asked.

"I was, but ended up cutting my finger in the kitchen, so I left the rest to the others."

She holds up her finger and shows him the wrap around it. Suddenly he had this deep flash and see's a finger with a gold ring. Just as quickly as he see's it, it fades from memory.

How odd, Gandalf thought. I wish I could place this feeling.

"So Gandalf, what else brings you here?" Elrond asks him.

"Ah, yes!" He said as if remembering. "There have been Orcs in the area. Lately they have been coming around a lot more, but none of us know why. It's almost like they are looking for something. They have been ripping apart villages, and killing the people in them."

"Do you know where they come from?" Elrond asked.

As Gandalf and Elrond talked, she zoned out at the mention of Orcs. Suddenly a memory flashed in her mind bright and blinding.

There were Orcs chasing her on the mountain. She was running from them, but didn't know why. Why she was there or why they were chasing her? The memory ended and she sat there a moment.

"Meril?" Gandalf called again.

She looked at him, and Elrond and Gandalf both looked at her concerned.

"Are you alright?" Elrond asked.

"I-I just had a memory! Small, but still a memory!" she was shocked.

10 years and she finally got a little bit of her lost memory back? That's it?

"What was it?" Gandalf asked.

"I was being chased on the mountain by Orcs. I had looked back but lost my footing and fell... but that's all I can remember."

"That's a start," Gandalf reassured her. "I wonder why they were chasing you?"

"I didn't have anything on me or near where I fell, did I?" she asked him.

"No, not that I saw in the area. There was just you at the bottom of the mountain, barely able to move."

She sighed, frustrated. She wished badly she could remember more.

"You know.. I do have an idea," Gandalf said. "I could invite an old friend to help you with your memories."

Suddenly a male elf runs in toward Elrond.

"What is it?" Elrond asked.

"Orcs! On the borders! We sent in archers but their are a lot."

"Orcs? Why here? Now?" Gandalf says.

He notices that Meril is gone, as does Elrond.

"Where did she go?" Gandalf asked.

"I'm assuming to grab her bow and help kill the Orcs," he sighed. "Nolya has been teaching her how to shoot over the years, and fight. Meril has been a natural," Elrond answered.

And they were right, she quickly ran to change into pants and a shirt, grabbed her bow and blade, and ran out to find Nolya standing there.

"I knew you wouldn't miss a chance to nail some Orcs to a tree! Come on! Let's go!" Nolya said excited.

The women ran to where the action was. There were at least 100 Orcs, surprising them.

"There have never been so many here! Look there! They brought some brawn with too!" Nolya called.

There were Trolls there with them, but sadly the elven force was losing. Once the Orcs caught sight of the girls, they charged them. Nolya and Meril backed up and used precision shots to kill the Orcs, but once they got close enough, they switched to their blades. One by one they cut down through the bunches of them, until suddenly Nolya was hit by a Troll. It came running through and slammed into her, making her fly back into a tree, a stub piercing through her arm.

"Ah! Meril be careful! Get out of there!" Nolya called out.

Meril froze, shock filled her body seeing her dearest friend hurt. The Troll ran and slammed into Meril as well, hitting her at the base of a tree. Five Orcs walked up and cornered Nolya. If Meril didn't move fast, her friend would be dead. One stabbed a blade into her side and she screamed.

Suddenly, everything around her grew dark, the shock of her friends pain caused her to black out a moment, and in the moment, she... transformed?

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