Chapter 17

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Back on a Star Destroyer, Darth Vader and Darth Seraphis were able to recieve medical attention. Darth Sidious enters the medical bay where the two were being treated. 

"Lord Vader, is your new hand in working order?"

"Yes, My Master." Vader answers as he looks around the room. "Where is Padme? Is she safe, is she all right?" Darth Sidious moves closer to his apprentice. 

 "I'm afraid she died. ... it seems in your anger, you killed her." A low groan emanates from Vader. Suddenly everything in the room begins to implode, including some of the droids. 

 "I couldn't have! She was alive! I felt her! She was alive! It's impossible! No!!!" Vader screams and steps forward, waving his hands, causing objects to fly around the room. Sidious and Seraphis deflect the objects, but some of the droids aren't so lucky. Vader's painful screams echo throughout the medical bay. Darth Seraphis lets tears silently fall down her face as she mourns her sister. She steps forwards and kneels by Darth Vader to pull him close into an embrace.

As Darth Vader's grief and anger consume him, causing chaos and destruction within the room, Darth Seraphis, formerly known as Emerae, approaches him with tears streaming down her face. She kneels by his side and pulls him into a tight embrace, offering what little solace she can in this moment of darkness.

"Anakin, I am here for you. I share in your pain and sorrow. We will face this together." Seraphis whispers in his ear. 

Darth Vader's rage slowly subsides as he feels the presence of Seraphis, his new ally, his confidante in the depths of the Dark Side. He clings to her, seeking solace in her embrace, letting his emotions pour out in a torrent of grief and regret.

"Padme... I... I never wanted this to happen. I failed her... I failed them all." He utters in a broken voice. 

Darth Seraphis holds him tighter, her own grief mingling with his, as they mourn the loss of Padme and the shattered dreams they once held.

"We cannot change the past, Anakin, but we can shape our future. We will make those who caused this pain pay for their deeds. Together, we will forge a new path, one where we find strength and purpose." She tells him.

Darth Vader, still overcome by grief, slowly begins to regain control over his emotions. His grip on Seraphis tightens as he draws strength from their shared connection, finding a sliver of hope amidst the darkness.

"Yes, Seraphis... together we will bring order to this chaotic galaxy. No one will ever suffer as I have. We will ensure that." He vows. 

With a newfound determination, Darth Vader and Darth Seraphis rise from the floor, their bond strengthened by shared loss and a shared destiny. They turn their gaze towards the galaxy, ready to unleash their wrath and fulfill their dark purpose under the guidance of Darth Sidious. The Sith Lords, united in their pain and their hunger for power, embark on a path that will forever alter the course of history. 

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