Part 11 Rodenius war: Sky Thorn

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Louria Kingdom. Capital Guard Knight Order. Command Headquarters.

"A manacom message from Louria Kingdom's Eastern Subjugation Navy, "We are currently engaged with a ship that is believed to be the enemy main fleet. The enemy ship is big and equipped with a powerful magic weapon. This weapon already sunk one warship of our fleet. We request air support for counterattack."...End of message."

"Well-well, so it's the enemy's main fleet... Very well, dispatch the entire 500 wyverns."

Patagene's mouth tip crooked as he gave the order the manacom operator.

"Ho-... However, Sir, we had already assigned 150 wyverns to the vanguard army and since we need 100 wyverns to defend the capital, there will be no more wyverns left for the main army..."

"Are you not listening? Every wyvern. If it is the enemy's main fleet, this will be a decisive battle, so we must seriously throw our weight on them. ──What? Do you think the enemy have any capabilities to reach the Capital?"

"I see, I understand. "Informing all Wyvern Squadrons. We received a communication from the Eastern Subjugation Navy at sea west from Maihark. They are engaging the enemy's main fleet. Every Knight on standby has been ordered to depart and support the navy! I repeat ─ ─ ""

The Dragoon Knights who were waiting for their turns to shine shouted their cheers.

The 500 wyverns, which had their emergency scramble order, flew to the sky one after another.


Rodenius Continent - Northern Sea

The Aegis ship's Combat Information Center (CIC) had already detected (them).

"CIC , air movement on the enemy capital! 100 Enemy air unit are identified as Wyvern... 300 rising! ... total of 500 wyvern are airborne!"

Intensity filled within the Bridge

"as expexted ,but This is... not good, if we do half-baked attacks, it might put our lives at risk. Do we have any air support?"

"Currently, we have 4 VTOL on Yuliantoro and 60 aircraft including Regalius Squadron belonging to the Roznovyk Navy CVW22 Tsusima. they are standing by at Elysium Airbase at Maihark and ready for order."

"Regalius?, I think I've heard of them before . Alright, if any Wyverns get past through I want minimal usage of Standard Missile!"

Maihark, Elysium airbase

50 aircraft from the admiral Tsusima, were transferred to the Elysium airbase on Maihark. Since they have been notified about the impending threat from the Lourian. during briefing they were told that the enemy air unit are mostly unordinary Wyvern rider.

The fighter are lining up and taxing to the runway

<"Echo Squadron have taking off!...">

15 Delta wing Carrier based fighter of the echo squadron F/SK-10

15 Delta wing Carrier based fighter of the echo squadron F/SK-10

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