Part 15 Rodenius war: Counter-Offensive

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Elysium, Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 8, Day 29, July 1992

Libertus, Invictus Parliament Building, conference room.

Hundreds of Participants are in the conference room, it has been many hours since the meeting start with their Current topic are about Elysium.

"...with that being said, the arrival of the first batch of interstellar cargo was a success, we are now connected to Elysian System."

Said the President make most of the people in the room applause.

"Moving onto the next topic, military affair. Director, it's your time."

Standing up from his seat the director then goes to the front lecture desk.

"Thank you mister president. Our first subject since the airspace are now operable for either airship or space vessel meaning we are green light for planetary mining on this solar system..."

Since The first interstellar test convoy are arriving with a success. The air travel outside Elysium are now available, they can now dispatch.

"...We can first airborne the Air cruisers first since we haven't yet authorized the orbital travel using space vessel yet. So the Astra's fleet are still grounded until further notice."

It was for the safety of the spacecraft's just yet since the planet are still filled with unknown technology that can endanger the orbital operation, except for planetary mission. Right now Elysium are allowed to space mining or orbital observation.

"Next up are the progress on the Rodenius war, in the past months the peacekeeping forces have successfully repel the invading forces of Lourian kingdom. With more than half of their fleet are destroyed along 200.000 forces are ceased or capture and 20.000 enemy ground forces have been obliterated. However, the remaining forces of 280.000 are withdraw and stationed at the villages, town and cities including the insurgent's capital city Jin-Hark, as well as outpost and bases in the route of Qua-toyne lourian border. We have confirmed that they are expecting counter offensive since the enemy leader still hadn't desire for peace or even ceasefire agreement."

Murmurs resonated all across the room. The director then continue.

"We are now collaborating with the newly armed Quila and Qua-Toyne army Supplied by Elysium donation weapon, although they are old Great War weapon these are still effective against such forces like louria. We are also dispatching additional armed forces this time Hwan republic 2nd Cavalry Division and sarwijayan Marines on the north rodenius sea, as well as 20 strike fighter, 20 fighter bomber, 5 attack aircraft and 10 bomber to be stationed at Rodenius until the conflict have been ceased... "

"...and lastly, an unknown infiltrator during the naval battle on the North Sea. The infiltrators are traveling using the Great War midget submarine similarly used by the by the Grunhilde regime in the past luck, fortunately Lord Rayhan are able to disable the submarine and preventing the crews from commiting suicide. we have conducted interrogation on one of the officers and claim himself from the Gra Valkan Empire with their sole intention of conquering this world..."

Another murmur can be heard with sounds of displeased.

"...The intelligence Bureau are still confirming this new intel on where of this (Gra Valkas) at we are suspecting a subcontinent on the Northeast of Elysium, and what they found are Late Great war technologies with many Elysian weapon that are nearly similar resembling the weapons we use during the great war. We are still deciding on wether or not to have diplomatic mission on them."

The director then stops and trying not to spill further in formation. He then change the course of the topic.

"Moving on the next, are A Superpower Nation on the continent to our west. The Qua-toynese called them Parpladia Empire..."

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