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My gaze sweeps across the bar as the bartender prepares my drink. His makes the occasional glance at my breasts but never stares long enough for it to be considered weird. If it was another girl she probably wouldn't have noticed but I was trained to see these things.

"Are you going to stare at me all day or are you going to get my drink?" I drawled in a lazy tone and he at least had the decency to look sheepish.

"Right away ma'am," My lips curled at the word, I hate that term for some reason.

I don't fault him for staring, any man with a working libido would stare at me in my v neck form fitting pink dress that stop at my upper thigh, long honey colored braids that sweep to the hem of my dress and glossy lips.

"Ten bucks says I can get the exotic bitch to go home with me," I heard someone whisper and the corner of my lips slipped up.

I do look every part of the "exotic bitch" but it's funny that they think they have a shot.

The bartender handed me my martini and I took a small sip, waiting for whoever spoke to get the courage to walk up to me.

I'd wager it'll take 5, 4, 3, 2.

"It's on me," I glanced at the man who spoke out of the corner of my eyes and frowned into my drink.

I expected more from someone who seemed so confident that he could get me in bed. His features are too boyish, he can't be older than my 22. He has golden blond hair and blue eyes- in short he looks like a stuck-up jock.

I waited for the bartender to leave before I turned to him.

"I can pay for my own drinks." I told him simply

"Let a guy be a little chivalrous." He gave me a smile that would throw any lesser girl to her knees, "You are beautiful if I say so myself."

"I know I am."

"I thought the appropriate answer was thank you."

"I know I'm beautiful; I don't need a man to tell me that, any girl who says otherwise is a fool." I kept my tone bored, "But I suppose if it makes you feel a bit better, then thank you."

He looked ready to spit in my face but he quickly schooled his features, "You are a different breed of woman. Men would kill for someone like you, yet you're all alone at the bar."

"Then it stands to reason that I'm alone by choice; don't you think?"

"You don't have to be. I'm-"

"Not interested," I told him firmly

Annoyance flickered over his features, "Give a man a shot before turning him down."

I let out an amused chuckle before turning to face him completely.

"You wouldn't know what to do with me even if I gave you an instruction manual." I deadpanned, "You're a sad college student who doesn't know what he wants in life. You probably became a jock because you wanted to fit in."

Annoyance and shame started to cloud his features.

"You're one of those guys who bases all his self importance on his friends; you've been looking at them every other second since you sat here almost like you have something to prove. If I was the slightest bit interested- which I'm not by the way, that would have been a major turn off. If I was looking for an orgy, then I know where to go."

He opened his mouth but I cut him off, "You wouldn't know the last thing about pleasuring a woman and I have had enough experiences with five minute men to spend my time on a five minute boy. Now run along to your friends; you can't get the exotic bitch."

Forbidden Loyalties (Famiglia Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now