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I am almost fully healed by now. Evelyn gave me the go ahead to return to my activities yesterday. While she spoke, she flushed pink as if remembering that day in the kitchen and I couldn't help but laugh at how flustered she was, and when she realized why I was laughing, she playfully punched my shoulder.

It made me laugh even harder and I told her that if she punched a man like that she would break her fingers instead of hurting me. She had me show her the proper way to throw a punch and while I was showing her, Lorenzo walked in and teased that I was corrupting his baby sister.

Speaking of Lorenzo, things have been a bit different but not perfect yet. He is more civil with me and I see him every night when we all have dinner either on the dining table or in the living room. I barely see him during the day though as he is extremely busy doing God knows what.

We've been having sex almost every night although I think sex is too mild a word for what we do. I still have never seen him sleep in this bed; it is almost like he never sleeps here. It has started to worry me but I have refrained from saying anything yet.

This morning, I had just woken up when Lorenzo walked into the room. He asked if I had any gym clothes and when I said yes, he ordered me to go and change. I was so shocked that I didn't even have time to register the order; I just sat in bed staring at him.

When he realized I hadn't moved, he gave a very colorful and carefully worded threat that had me rushing into the closet to find something to wear.

I realized that this would be my first time going to the gym that probably every one of their higher ranking officials use so I settles for a light pink sports bra and spandex. When I emerged from the closet, he was sitting on the bed, he took one look at me and frowned.

"Change," I raised a brow at him, "Change now."

"You've never had an issue with how I dress before," I crossed my hands over my chest, "And this is gym wear."

He stood up and made his way over to me. He placed his large palms against the bare skin of my waist. I shivered from the close proximity and his hot breath against the side of my face.

"I don't have an issue with how you dress, anyone with half a brain cell will know better than to look at my wife," his voice dropped to a whisper, "I'm not asking you to change because of other people. I'm asking you to change because I don't know if I can spend hours confined in a small space with you looking like that and not rip that outfit off you."

I was panting by the time he was done, and as soon as he pulled away, I walked back into the closet and put on a pink tank top.

Lorenzo still didn't agree with it, I could see that in his eyes, but he nodded and gestured for me to follow him.

His car was as good as new. I'm sure he fixed it right after the incident. He drove downtown, the same way he drove when we were going to the hospital- speaking of which, I will need a shot soon, like a few days soon.

He stopped in front of a large building. On the outside, you wouldn't know it's a gym with how expensive it looks and there isn't even a sign letting you know it's a gym. This confirmed my earlier suspicion that it's a gym for the higher individuals and maybe his warriors.

He led me inside, past all the curious glances and the whispers. He didn't stop to talk to anyone; he just led me up the stairs and into a room. There was a large boxing ring in the middle of the room, a steel cage to the far left and two doors that I presume lead to the changing rooms.

Alessandro and Emilio were already in the room. Alessandro was shirtless and was attacking a boxing bag with such ferocity that people wouldn't have thought possible from the charismatic font he puts up. Emilio was lifting some weights not too far from him but they stopped when we walked in.

Forbidden Loyalties (Famiglia Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now