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I didn't say anything to anyone for the rest of the day, and it was not an easy feat believe me. We stayed there until a little after two. Father said it was because he wanted to have dinner and celebrate with his men.

I had to deal with the women hounding me with congratulations and telling me all about the best stores to go to for the wedding preparations as well as them taking bets on how long it would take until I give birth.

To make it all worse, my supposed future husband left right after the announcement was made. He didn't say a single word to me; he just walked out of the door and never returned. At least Alessandro had the decency to tell me goodbye. It was a sarcastic goodbye but a goodbye nonetheless.

I had to bide my time and nurse my anger through the lunch. I even managed to stay quiet through the entire ride back. It was just father and I in the limo but I refused to say a word. I wouldn't make the mistake of lashing out in public.

The moment we stepped into his study though, all bets were off.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were selling me off to the enemy?" I couldn't stop the words from leaving my throat in a rush, "You should have told me, or at least given me a heads up. You practically just threw me to the wolves."

"I don't have to do anything," his voice was cold, "I am Capo, not you. You would do well to remember that."

"But I don't want to get married." I finally screamed, "I'm perfectly happy being single and-,"

"And being a slut," he offered casually and I forced my mouth shut, "Listen to me and listen to me well Isabella. I will do whatever I feel is right for the betterment of the Costa Nostra. As my daughter you are expected to marry well, and I have chosen the best for you. If you would shut up for five second then I can tell you why I picked him."

I exhaled deeply and watched as he took off his jacket and tie and threw them on the arm of his char. He sat down and took out a stack of papers from his drawer. He rummaged through them and gestured for me to sit opposite me. My brows furrowed in confusion but I sat anyways.

He opened a map in front of me, "We control everything from New York down to the entire East; and the parts we don't control- we have peace in."

He looked over at me, and when he was certain that I was listening, he continued.

"The Famiglia controls a huge portion of the West. If you marry Lorenzo, that makes you the Queen of the Famiglia- you, a member of the Costa Nostra, ruling the Famiglia."

"That sounds great and all," I interrupted him, "But Lorenzo would be ruling, not me. I would have no control over the men, and I would have zero influence. This world isn't favorable to women in high positions- you know that."

He chuckled softly, "I thought about that," he folded up the map, "As soon as you marry Lorenzo, you will do your wifely duties and provide him with an heir."

"No," I didn't even wait for him to finish before I stood to my feet, "I don't want to get married, what makes you think I want children now?"

I started towards the door but a knife flew by, grazing my ear and landing right in the middle of the door.

I froze mid step and raised my hand to the top of my ear that was throbbing. When my fingers came back, there was a smudge of blood on it. He nicked my ear to prove a point.

I turned to face my father and he had a calm look on his face. For a second, I almost thought there was someone else in the room with us that threw that knife because the ease in his expression and the ease at which he sat did not match someone who just nicked their daughter's ear with a knife.

Forbidden Loyalties (Famiglia Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now