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When I opened my eyes, Lorenzo had my father's hand in his grip. He looked the epitome of calm, but I could see the unreadable emotions swirling through his dark eyes. My father on the other hand was shocked, this isn't the first time he has tried to hit me in public, but this is the first time that someone actually stopped him.

I don't think he has ever been refused something in his life. In all honesty, I don't think I would have stopped him if Lorenzo didn't.

"If it were anyone else, they would have lost their hand," his voice was eerily calm and I realized I was yet to see him lose control because of anger, "You're her father, so I will let you off with a warning. If you raise your hand to my wife, then you will lose it."

"Is that a threat Lorenzo?"

"It's a promise." Lorenzo turned to me, "Get up, we're leaving."

My father had his eyes on me, almost daring me to stand. He must know the position he just put me in. As I rose with shaky legs, I pleaded with my eyes for him to understand that I wasn't trying to spite him but it was my duty as Lorenzo's wife to take his side.

The truth is, I saw Lorenzo approaching by the time my father started speaking. It would have been easier to tell my father what he wanted to hear but the risk of Lorenzo overhearing and never trusting me was high. I need him to trust me, not because of my father and his stupid plan; but because no matter what, I will need his trust.

I am at a cross roads and I don't know which path I'm going to take. If I choose to go with my father's plan then I'll need his trust. And if I choose not to do that and to enjoy the semblance of normalcy that I have gotten here, I will also need his trust and his protection because my father will not take my betrayal lying down.

Lorenzo ushered me into the car and I had planned on being quiet, but the question nagged me while I was putting on my seatbelt, so I decided to ask.

"Why did you stop him?" he paused briefly at the ignition but recovered almost immediately.

"We shouldn't hurt the people we are meant to protect. You're his daughter, he should be protecting you from men, and not the other way around."

I didn't know how to respond to that so I changed the subject, "Did you kill him? Your underboss; my father implied it."

He hesitated before responding, "He's not dead,"

I let out a sigh of relief- why, I didn't know. He was a dick, but I don't want him to die. Him dying means my father somehow won. It means that his plan is working.

"What did you do to him?"

This time, Lorenzo didn't respond, "I need to check the warehouse," he said, "I won't have time to drop you off at home first, so you have to come with me. I can't afford for you to start any trouble on the way."

"I'll be good." I assured him.

He started the car and I felt a buzz from inside my clutch. I opened it and took out my phone only to see a text from my father.

Good job, Isabella. You seem to have him wrapped around your finger and ready to do your bidding. I knew your looks would come in handy one day.

I glanced at Lorenzo through the corner of my eye to make sure he didn't see the text. When I was satisfied that his eyes were on the road, I deleted it.

I buried my face into my hands and fought the urge to scream. So instead, I rested my head against the window and kept my eyes on the roads and sky.

I opted to wait in the car while Lorenzo handled his business at the warehouse. Emilio and Alessandro were there when we arrived. Although Emilio blatantly ignored me, Alessandro came up to say hi.

Forbidden Loyalties (Famiglia Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now