Chapter 10

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~Weiss' POV~

Did Ruby just kiss me? No that couldn't have been Ruby, am I dreaming? Slowly I pinched my arm, shocked by how hard I had pinched it, but I wasn't dreaming. I sank back against the wall. My brain was everywhere and I couldn't focus in class that meant.

Taking out my scroll I went through my inbox seeing Ruby just pop up on the screen. Weiss. I need to talk to you. Meet me by the Harbor <3. So I messaged, Ruby I'll meet you there in 2 minutes I cant run like you. As soon as it went through I bolted to the harbor. Right before reaching the yard that lead to the harbor I looked for the red hood, and saw it blowing in the wind towards me.

Ruby wasn't looking in my direction which was a good thing because if my eyes met those gray eyes, I would turn into jelly. Slyly I stalked around till I was ten feet behind her. I coughed and her head whipped around. Our eyes met and I could already feel my heart race. We stood like that for what seemed forever before she took a step towards me.

I stuck my index finger up indicating that she should stop, which she did, and I placed my arms above my head, "Is this real? Am I dreaming or something because I don't want to get my hopes up again." She smiled and tilted her head slightly, and I couldn't help but smile back as she giggled, "Shocked me too. I never thought this was real that's why I ran, and because I thought you were toying with me. Yet here you are, looking beautiful as ever."

I felt my knees jiggle as she took another step closer. "Weiss I've loved you for the longest of times, and I haven't had the time to stop and say it. I feel this electricity between you and me," she took another three steps, and we were like four apart before I took a step. She was ready to speak, but I cut her off, "I have never felt this way with anyone else but you Ruby. I want you to be with me so bad. I just don't want to hurt you."

Our bodies weren't touching by two to three inches, but I could feel and see her short breaths. I felt a tear run down my cheek as she caressed my face in her hand she whispered, "Some people are worth getting hurt for. You are worth my entire life span." She then pressed her lips to mine roughly and more tears escaped my eyes and now rolled down her cheeks.

Our moment was interrupted by clapping, a slow clapping. I looked up , my vision somewhat blurry, showing a familiar face. Of course Cardin has to show up and ruin everything, as he spoke, "No please continue, it was very touching." He said placing a hand over his heart. I looked at Ruby who was clearly pissed, "What do you want Cardin? Come to jack off at Weiss' beauty." I blushed, even when she is trying to be threatening she's adorable. Cardin laughed, "First of all I have a big dick that anyone would enjoy to have, even lesbians." I cut him off, "Most of that dick is just your ego Cardin, so stop playing."

His friends snickered ,but when he glared at them they stopped laughing. Cardin stood straight, "Look little princess. I don't know who you think you are claiming of how I have a small dick. That may work in your kingdom, but here I rule so I suggest you stop before I have a problem with you. So step away from the little knight so I can show her sister what happens when she messes with me."

I began to step in front of Ruby before one of Cardin's boys came up behind me and grabbed me around the torso, and fling me into another's arms. Ruby watched as they took turns throwing me, but stopped as Cardin started for Ruby catching her off guard. He hit her square in the jaw and she dashed behind him round-housing him in the side and punching him in the face. Another joined Cardin by holding Ruby's arms and letting Cardin take a few punches on her as the bell rung. Cardin stopped and smiled at how Ruby was defeated, and returned a good punch to the stomach before lifting her over the fence and tossing her into the harbor. They ran off and I ran towards Ruby and jumped in after her.

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