Chapter 49

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~Weiss' POV~

   I created reservations to one of the best chains in Vale. I knew my plan, I've practiced many times in my head. It was the only way possible for Ruby to regain her memory. Or at least learn to love me.

  "Ruby you look stunning." I handed her a rose, while she beamed. I know it's a simple knee high red dress, but she could be in a hoodie and still look stunning. We met in town so I could prepare the restaurant. When we entered I saw her nose crinkle, it was fancy, like she was questioning why here. Perfect.

  "May I help you miss Schnee?"  I nodded, "Yes I ordered take out to go meal, do you have it  ready?"

    The man returned with 2 bags, "Here you are miss." I took them and motioned for Ruby to follow.

   I ran into and alley with Ruby close behind, "Weiss where are we going?"

  I turned to her, "Somewhere my Ruby will love." I made a glyph appear below our feet and it raised us to a roof. The roof had a small ivy covered gazebo, into which I decorated with candles. Inside there was a small table filled with sweets, and two blankets. "Do you like it Ruby?"

   She looked at me eyes wide, "Like it, I love it." She ran to it, but it still hadn't returned her memories, I still had plans, after dinner I stood, "I have something to show you."

   She stood and followed me as shot from the roof towards the Ferris Wheel. Into which we went into, and I pointed out the factory, "That's where I was taken Ruby. That's where you found my scroll. Do you remember that?" She followed my arm.

   "Vaguely I remember little of the team, but no not the scroll." Sighing she hit herself, "Why cant I remember anything, I mean how could I forget you if you were the one I nearly died for?" She hit her head again.

 I grabbed her hand, "It's not your fault it's his, whoever he was, but he's dead now, and you'll be safe." Her fingers intertwined with mine,  my breathe catching in my throat. She smiled and when the ride was over she let go.

   One last shot. I grabbed Ruby's hand, "Come on let's get back I got one last thing to show you." We took the metro back to Beacon. Everyone was starting to turn in other than us, we walked to the dorm, and walked inside. "Close your eyes." She did I looked in Ruby's bunk pulling out her sketch book, and found the picture of her mother. "The day we fell madly for one another you showed me this."

   Her gray eyes opened she took the book in hands, and kept looking at the picture, her eyes widening, "And," I grabbed and turned the pages to a picture of 2 girls dancing," that is one I stumbled on."

  Ruby studied the picture, as if she didn't she would die. Finally she looked up, into my eyes, "Weiss?"

  "Yes?" I had tears stinging my eyes.

  "I remember." With that Ruby closed the space between us, taking me away. I never thought I had fallen this hard for a little girl in a red hood, but I did.

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