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    "What will happen if we spend the night here?" She confusedly questioned them.

      The blonde kid began, "The doors will close, and you will be the dinner for the grievers," but an Asian boy interrupted him.

      "What in the heck are you telling her right now? Later, Nick explains everything. Let's take you there now."



      The two lads started to go in their direction as soon as they reached the Glade. One of them was a brunette, and the other was dark-skinned.

      "Hey, this is Alby, and I'm Nick. He serves as my second in command, and I am in control."

      She looked around and saw that they stood in a vast courtyard several times the size of a football field, surrounded by four enormous walls made of gray stone and covered in spots with thick ivy. The walls had to be hundreds of feet high and formed a perfect square around them, each side split in the exact middle by an opening as tall as the walls themselves that, from what Katherine could see, led to passages and long corridors beyond.

      "Where am I?" she inquired.

      The dark-skinned boy remarked, "Nowhere good,"

      "Alby!" Nick cut him off. " We will put you in the slammer in a while of time" 

      Minho led Katherine by the elbow as they began to move. They are now in the slammer. Minho allowed her in by opening the door. She entered and took a seat on the floor while Minho locked the door with a key. Katherine was constrained even though she knew she could just force the door open and leave.

      "Stay here for a while while we think through our options for you. 

     "What do you think should happen to me?" He hears Katherine tell him, "I'm not a thing."

      "I know"

      She sighed loudly as Minho finished speaking. 

      "You'll find out more after the meeting, I promise." 

      When Minho left, she was still sitting on the ground. She searched her memory for anything, but she was unsuccessful. Nothing. Just a white paper.  It's been a long time. Because every second lasted a minute and every minute lasted forever, she was unable to determine how much time had gone.  

      "You haven't already passed away here from curiosity," someone said. She noticed an Asian boy as she looked up, "Come. I'll help you" He reached out to her and offered to help her escape from the slammer. She grasped his hand, and he helped her after that.

      "Thanks" she quickly said

      "Nick wants to talk with you," the Asian boy said "And Alby" he added.

      She simply nodded before pursuing him. They went inside a structure. The home was made of wood. One of the tallest structures she noticed there. After a brief period of quietness, Minho broke the silence. 

      "I'm leaving. Call me if she runs away again. The kitchen is where I'll be." and then he left the room.

       "Could you just tell me something? Do you remember anything? Your name, or your past." said Alby

      " My name is the only thing I can remember. I'm Katherine. Why am I forget everything?"

      " It's normal. We all passed it. We woke up in the box with no memories. Our name is the only thing we can remember." Nick said

      "We will show you everything tomorrow cuz it's late and if you remember something tell us, ok?"


      "Find Newt and tell him to show you your room," Alby said when she left the room, but she heard what he said

      Ok, now I need to find Newt. I even don't know how he looks. I'll ask someone - she thought

      "Hey, do you know where Newt is? Alby said, to find him" She asked a boy in the kitchen. Honestly, she's starving, but don't say anything about it

      "I'm right behind you," said a blonde boy with a great British accent who was standing right behind her.

      "Alby said to me that you will show me my room." She quickly told

      "Of course, but first you need to eat. I think you are hungry. Fry, give something to our greenie." he said to a boy behind her

      He gave Katherine a plate of food. She looks at the food. It looks very delicious. They sat down at the table and she quickly ate it. Newt chuckled slightly at how cute she was.

      "What?" Katherine said

      "Nothing," he said with a little smile

      "I'm done," she said after a few minutes 

      "Alright, now come with me I will show you your room," he said. They stand up and start to go to the homestead. When they entered the homestead it looked a little bit different, but it was better. They began to climb up the stairs, which creaked very strongly. There was such a feeling that one more step and the steps would break. Finally, they got up. They went to the end of the corridor and stopped near the door.

       "This is your room. If you need something you can call me my room is near yours. And this is Minho's room" he says, pointing at a door near her room. "You can rest, because after a few hours, the bonfire starts."

      She enters her room. It was pretty good. There was a box on her bed, but now she's tired. She put a box on the floor and lay on her bed. After a few moments, she fell asleep.

A/N: Guys I'm so sorry that I've been away for a very long time. But I have a lot of problems. And also it's so hard to write in English. I hope everything will be ok, and I'll be able to write chapters more. Love you so much

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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