Part Thirty Three

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Part Thirty-Three

Ever the gentleman Austin walks me home. At the time it seemed like a great idea to walk the entire length of Horseshoe Bay's connecting beaches from The Banks estate to my family's own beach. I've had a couple of drinks and it was the best idea I've ever had.

Now that we're halfway, slowly approaching the technical start of Main Beach I'm beginning to doubt my brilliance. I'm tired, my legs groaning and dragging through the sand more than usual.

I stop walking abruptly, basking in the smallest pleasure of standing still. Austin keeps walking for a moment before he realises, I'm not with him. He turns to face me, tucking a hand into his shorts pocket.

"Regretting your decision?" he asks, a small smile on his face.

I shake my head. "No...I just need a minute to..." I look out at the water glittering under the moonlight. "...I just want a minute to appreciate the ocean."

He chuckles, slowly walking back towards me. I ignore him and focus on the water, valuing the time I can muster to give my legs a break.

"I can always spare a minute to appreciate the ocean." Austin drops down beside me, sitting in the sand.

I wait a moment, so I don't seem so eager to get off my feet. Instead of sitting, I lay down and close my eyes. The sweet relief of no longer being on my feet is sweeter than I thought it was going to be.

"We're halfway there." Austin mutters beside me, his voice closer than before.

I peek through an eye; he's lying beside me in the sand watching me. "What's the rush?"

"No rush."

I close my eyes again; relaxing into the sand and think back over the incredible day and night we've had. Today has gone exceptionally well. It was the first glimpse I got of my two different worlds co-existing together. Partially, anyway.

There was something incredible about watching Emily interact with Anya and Harley. And listening to nana talking to Austin about the weird things he's found in the ocean, ever the woman obsessed with ocean trinkets.

It was awfully sweet of Austin to offer to bring her something from his small collection. I felt the need to tell him she was probably going to offer to turn it into jewellery for him, but he didn't seem phased or minded that she'd suggest that.

And don't even get me started on Austin's weird behaviour earlier in the day, the moment I got the tiniest glimpse into his head. Then I got to watch the bond in work with others. It was awfully peculiar watching Nicole and Mitchell interact with each other in their heads and maintain outside connections.

They managed to keep a conversation with us while talking in their heads. I did feel a little out of place, like I was getting half the story, but it was a neat experience to watch first hand.

It's highly daunting to think that one day I could share that kind of experience with the very guy lying beside me.

I open my eyes, turning my head to find Austin still watching me. He smiles as he meets my gaze. "It's a funny thought, isn't it?" he asks.

I frown, wondering if I missed something. "What is?"

Can he hear my thoughts? No, he can't. I'm wearing the bracelet; I can feel the thin gold band like it weighs a million tonnes. But really who knows after the start we had too today?

"That we can share so much with each other without ever verbalising it."

I narrow my eyes. He can hear my thoughts, can't he? "Can you hear me?" I ask quietly, trying to make my mind go blank. I don't know if it's something Il ever get used to, the idea of sharing everything in my head willing or not.

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