Day 1 - Hair (MiyanoWeek2023)

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Day 1 - Hair
.:Written for MiyanoWeek2023:.
Domestic fluff, ssmy as husbands
Rating: T


Sasaki lay awake one morning as the sun peaked higher and higher and cast its warm glow on them from the cracks in the blinds. He watched as the light spilled over their comforter until it eventually climbed higher to reach their skin.

His gaze swept over the man he loved so dearly. The one whose engagement ring glinted in the morning light, the one who held his heart.

Miyano was facing him, sleeping peacefully. Their legs were tangled together, and by now they opted to share a large pillow since they always ended up clinging to each other at night.

His ebony hair spilled across the white pillowcase, sleep-tousled and wild. The curls were more apparent like this, and Sasaki couldn't help but gently run his fingers through them.

His hair was always so soft. It was one of the things Sasaki loved to play with when Miyano let him—usually when they were laying on the couch together watching TV or reading BL. The way the curly ends wrapped around his fingers was too cute, just like the person they belonged to.

His fingers slowly made their way deeper into the black tresses, sinking there in the fluffy softness. Sasaki always marveled at how much volume his lover's hair had. Just how far his fingers had to sink before meeting his scalp and gently scratching there in the spot Miyano liked the best.

A soft groan met his ears, and he saw his sleeping beauty slowly awake. Long lashes fluttered, and Sasaki felt his heart racing. He was completely, and irrevocably, besotted by this beautiful soul. Even now, after almost a decade of them being together, loving each other....

Big, honey brown eyes opened to find him, and a small, content smile warmed that precious face more than the sun's rays did. "Shuu?"

Sasaki was already grinning like a fool, and he drew ever closer, holding back a squeal of happiness. Their foreheads touched gently before Sasaki kissed his cute nose and pulled back enough to look at him.

"Morning, Kazu."

Miyano's smile grew, still sleepy, and leaned into the hand still massaging his scalp. "Mmm... morning."

The younger man lazily slung an arm around him and pulled him even closer.

Sasaki's heart pounded away just like it did when they were younger. His first love and only love. He kissed the top of his head, and Miyano smiled and leaned up toward him.

His lips puckered slightly, and Sasaki grinned and kissed him just like every morning.

Every morning was special because he was with him. Every morning when he woke up first, he got to wake his husband up by playing with his hair. He hoped that it would always be like this, well into their older years together.

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