Day 3 - BL (MiyanoWeek2023)

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Day 3 - BL
.:Written for MiyanoWeek2023:.
Fanservice, Idol AU -snippet from a future fic, "Idol Group"
Rating: T


Sasaki cracked his joints with an audible groan before slumping against the couch. They just finished a set of songs, and were scheduled to be out on stage again soon.

"Are you okay, senpai?" The soft voice made him look up into warm brown eyes.

His breath caught. "Y-Yeah..."

Miyano smiled and handed him a water bottle. "Stay hydrated. We have to do three songs back-to-back."

"Thanks." The redhead grabbed the offered bottle and watched as Miyano walked away. Sasaki groaned to himself as he slumped forward, his head falling down to hide his rising blush. These feelings were hard to deal with. Now that his crush on his fellow bandmate had spiraled into an all-consuming love for the guy, Sasaki didn't know how to function around him anymore.

What if his touches lasted longer? What if he looked at him more intensely? Well, he was sure the fans wouldn't mind it... But what about Miyano? The last thing he wanted to do was freak the younger out.

"Sasaki, we're up!" Hirano shouted into the room, and that made Sasaki focus up. Right, they had a show to put on.

The lights were bright like always, and the cheers grew to a deafening roar when they stepped out on stage. The group's signature light sticks, nicknamed "Dream Sticks," waved proudly across the crowd in a rainbow of colors. Their fans chanted their names, and Sasaki briefly glanced at his other members. His eyes lingered a little too long on Miyano, but he couldn't help it when he found the other so adorable in his bunny hoodie. He himself was dressed in a lion hoodie, prepared for the first song of the night.

"Hello, we are Fated!" They all shouted in unison into their mics, and the crowd went wild.

The music started instantly, and they all fell into position as the pop-heavy music started playing. Sasaki moved mindlessly. At this point, they had practiced so much that the choreography was second nature. He made sure to put extra emphasis on his part, just to hear the fans go wild and scream his name. He had to keep his "cool badboy" exterior the whole time, but that faltered when he realized his next lines were coming up.

The lines he shared with Miyano, and as that gentle voice echoed around him, Sasaki found himself in a trance. Those big brown eyes found his as they circled each other in a dance. As their voices harmonized, they drifted closer and closer until they were right against each other. Suddenly, it was hard for Sasaki to breathe as he felt sucked in by Miyano's pull on him.

He knew he was blushing, and he leaned in even closer, which was not apart of the choreo. Miyano didn't stop either, didn't try to push him away, and Sasaki's heart beat loudly at the blush that spread across his cute face. He wanted to kiss him.

"SASAMIYA!" The fans closest to the stage broke out in cheer, and at the same time, Niibashi jumped in front of them to shield them from view.

They both quickly broke apart and got back into the song. Sasaki shot Niibashi a thankful look for covering for them, but the pink-haired member rolled his eyes and threw out rose petals into the crowd as more of a distraction from the unintended fanservice.

Sasaki once again found himself watching Miyano, especially when their last song played. A slower one to close out the night with. The younger's face was peaceful as his angelic voice belted through the chorus. It made him reflect back on their friendship, and how his crush on the other guy started.

He wanted to get to know him more. At first, it was by their manager's insistence since they were picked as a favorite duo within the group. Miyano let him in on what he enjoyed reading, BL, and Sasaki loved reading it.

He loved seeing Miyano's face light up and open up to him more, and how excited he got when talking about the characters and story. Sasaki's world changed the moment Miyano stepped into his life, and he would be so thankful for the books that brought them closer.


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