Day 5 - Admiration (MiyanoWeek2023)

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Day 5 - Admiration
.:Written for MiyanoWeek2023:.
"Admiring Him" Magical Boy AU -snippet from a future fic
Rating: T


He was trying to find him. The sky was growing darker, and Sasaki knew they needed to get to the train station before the storm hit. It would just be too dangerous to travel in it once it came down.

Thunder roared in the distance, and Sasaki ran a little faster. He already checked the Disciplinary Committee Room, and there was no sign of him. He wasn't in his classroom or at the entrance, and he knew he hadn't left yet because Sasaki had been waiting on him.

He was really kicking himself for not exchanging numbers yet.

Sasaki stopped just as he turned the corner. He was at the back of the school now, and there he was. Miyano was standing in the middle of the track field, and he was staring up at the darkening sky. He was frowning, and Sasaki wondered what could possibly be on his mind for why he would be standing in such a place.

Before he could call out to him, he saw... a bunny? It hopped closer to the dark-haired boy. It looked unassuming, it was a small black bunny, but in the next second it sprouted cute angel wings and looked a lot more animated. Sasaki watched in shock as it floated up and circled around the guy he liked.

Sasaki had to be dreaming.

The air grew heavy quickly, and it felt like a heavy pressure was forcing Sasaki down. He fell to the ground, and couldn't get back up. He really hoped he woke up soon.

Something screeched in the air, and when Sasaki looked up, he saw something dark and ominous descending from the clouds.

At the same time, the winged bunny circled Miyano and they touched foreheads. Instantly, a bright blue light enveloped them, and Sasaki watched in awe as Miyano... had a magical transformation?

He and the bunny seemed to combine because Miyano grew bunny ears and a tail, and even the small wings sprouted from his back. His school uniform changed into a much cuter style that was more flowy and bright. He also wielded a large hammer? Its style definitely reminded Sasaki of an anime... The weapon was bigger than Miyano!

The dark creature swept down, and Miyano hit it away. It ended up near Sasaki, and he was able to get a look of the monstrous-looking creature. It looked like one of those demon gargoyle things.

"No!" He heard Miyano shout as the monster looked right at Sasaki and charged at him.

Sasaki still couldn't move, and he had to still be dreaming, right?

Water fell around him, and the rain seemed to dig into and sting the creature. Then, Miyano stood protectively in front of him, and Sasaki admired him as he swung the giant hammer like a baseball bat. It smacked right into the monster, and it disintegrated along with the water.

At once, the pressure bearing down on him lifted, and Sasaki let out a long breath of relief.

"Crap, that was too close..." Miyano muttered, seemingly to himself, but he was looking right at Sasaki with worry. "I hope senpai's okay."

What? Sasaki pinched himself and realized this wasn't a dream. This was real, and Miyano was... was one of those magical people his sister used to read about in manga.

"Mya-chan?" He was so confused, staring at his kouhai.

He watched as those big brown eyes blinked rapidly, and a blush spread along his cute face. "You... you can see me?!"

Sasaki slowly nodded. "Am I not suppose to?"

"N-Not when I'm transformed like this!"

"Oh. Um... you're even more cute, like this?" He really didn't know what to say, but that seemed to make him even more flustered.

"W-What?! Okay, okay, let me call Hirano about this—he'll, he'll know what to do!" Miyano got out his phone and smashed a bunch of numbers.

He's anxious, Sasaki thought as he studied him more. The outfit was really cute, and so were the bunny ears and angel wings. They just made him even cuter, if that was possible. Plus, it was really cool the way he swung that huge weapon and took down that creature.

"So are you a... magical boy? Is that what you call it?" Sasaki asked, curious now.

Miyano put away his phone and stared at him, still blushing. "Uh, yeah... There's a lot to explain, but I'd rather have Hirano here to help explain it." He then held his hand out for him to take.

Sasaki realized he was still sitting on the ground, and reached to take it without thinking about it. He was surprised when Miyano lifted him up easily, and Sasaki flushed.

Miyano grinned at him. "I'm a lot stronger in this form, senpai!"

"Uh, y-yeah." He was close to him, and it was still so strange to see bunny ears standing on top of that fluffy hair. He really wanted to touch them.

"Sorry, I'll just change back, okay?" Miyano looked apologetic, and then that bright blue light enveloped him and he and the bunny separated. Miyano was back to looking normal, and the bunny sat on his shoulder. Its beady eyes stared right at Sasaki, and it made him nervous...

"He possesses magic." The bunny... talked?!

"Really? Are you sure about that?!" Miyano spoke to the bunny, and the animal nodded.

"Very sure. We have another one for the team."

Another one?! What did that even mean?! Feeling dizzy, Sasaki sank back to the ground, and Miyano fretted over him. Sasaki never knew his new feelings would lead him here. He had to admit, though, that this was all certainly exciting.


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