Day 6 - Blush (MiyanoWeek2023)

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Day 6 - Blush
.:Written for MiyanoWeek2023:.

"Baby, I'm Obsessed With You"
featuring Yandere Sasaki and Miyano (soft yandere)
Rating: T


Sasaki couldn't help but marvel at his beauty. Laying here with him in a place only meant for them.

Miyano was in his every thought. In every crack and corner of his mind, he took up space. He filled him to the point it was hard to contain all the emotions he held for him.

The younger man looked so delicate sleeping next to him, and Sasaki just wanted to hold him. He wanted to love him. He wanted to shower him with praises. He wanted to protect him from the badness of this world.

And if Miyano would let him, he wanted to worship him. He already devoted his entire life to him.

Some days the urge to keep him all to himself wasn't all consuming. Most days, those urges were at the forefront.

He's so precious, I have to keep him here with me, he would reason with himself as he gently held him in his arms when they stood in their kitchen.

Sasaki realized how much stronger and bigger he was, but he never wanted to use that against him.

If Miyano was in danger, he would. Even if it was to protect him from himself.

The pretty blush adorning that cute face burned and stayed in his mind. It became a game to him, to see how many times he could make his lover blush.

"Stay." He would whisper to him, holding him captive as they kissed.

Sasaki wanted to hold him here just a little longer...

And maybe, maybe Miyano wanted to stay with him just as much.

Because his touch became a little more, it became a little harder. It made Sasaki want to break for him, and Miyano could see that.

Of course he could. Miyano was like a god to him, and he gladly worshiped at his feet and praised him.

So Miyano did the thing that Sasaki wanted to do the most. On the days where all he wanted to do was keep them both in bed.

"You look so pretty like this." Miyano's voice took on a different tone. Not a malicious one, but one that sounded as equally besotted as his own often was.

Sasaki could only blush, and Miyano's gaze raked over his face hungrily. As if he wanted to see more of his blush. Sasaki would happily give it to him, especially like this. Especially when Miyano's own love grew to an obsession that made him hold Sasaki tightly to him.

"Don't go anywhere." Miyano whispered, his lips against his, and their hot breaths was the only thing Sasaki wanted to breathe in.

"Never." He promised, because where else would he go? His home, his heart, was right here.

"Are you mine?" That voice was alluring, like a siren's call, and Sasaki would always answer it. If it damned him to hell then he would gladly jump into the flames.

"I'm yours." Always. Sasaki gripped the hands that bound his together. "You're mine?"

Their breaths mingled into a hot fog, and that ethereal face looked at him with his blush growing deeper. "I'll always be yours."


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