Day 7 - Free Day (MiyanoWeek2023)

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Day 7 - Free Day
.:Written for MiyanoWeek2023:.
"Sing For Me" AU where Sasaki is a siren and Miyano is a deaf witch - snippet from a future fic, "Monsters Inside Us"
Rating: T


The way the witch flitted about the hut as if he were floating was hypnotizing to Sasaki. Ever since the younger man found him dazed with hunger, things have been... better.

The monster was no longer gnawing at his mind, and Sasaki had been able to sleep soundly for the first time since... becoming what he is now.

"I made something you can eat." Miyano spoke when he noticed him awake. He tapped the table once, and a mug slid closer to him as well as a bowl of fish and rice. "It's embedded with my magic, so it'll fill you for today." The witch smiled kindly at him.

"Thank you..." Sasaki still was having a hard time conversing, but he made sure the deaf man could read his lips.

Miyano nodded and turned away, reading a large book hovering in the air.

This was all so confusing, and it was strange to believe that just a day ago he was swimming in agony in the river, wanting to die a second time.

Sasaki became a siren, a monster of the sea that fed off human souls. In this brief life, he fought against the monster inside him that demanded he feed.

Sasaki couldn't do that. He didn't want to ever take someone's life like that. He didn't want to give in to the monster and become it and lose what little part of him was left.

So he tried to find a place where no other life could find him. Where he wouldn't be tempted to hunt and feed.

He thought he found it, in this strange place called The Forbidden Forest, but he couldn't have been more wrong.

The monster inside him took control when he sensed someone had found him, and that someone had a soul so delectable that Sasaki could taste it on his tongue. This soul called to him unlike any other.

As he broke the surface of the water, he saw him. A young man with dark curly hair and wearing a witch's hat. Those big brown eyes met his, and Sasaki became lost in the song that lulled him closer. His soul was so bright, so nice, and it sung for him to take it.

Lure him in now! We have to take it, his soul belongs to us! The monster snarled in his mind, and Sasaki was too weak to resist any longer. The hunger was taking over, eating away at him until only the predator remained.

He let out his siren song for the first time, that alluring sound meant to hypnotize and draw the man to him. He would drag him under the water and finally, finally feed—

It wasn't working. The siren song failed to move the young man, and they just stared at each other. It shocked both Sasaki and the monster in his head, and he didn't know what to do. Was he really that much of a failure in this life too? He couldn't even give in to the monster properly!

The young man tilted his head to the side, as if he were listening to something, and he smiled knowingly at Sasaki. "Sorry, your siren song won't work on me."

Sasaki was shocked at hearing that melodic voice, and the young man continued, "I'm a witch, and I'm also deaf!" He pointed at his ears.

The siren was even more shocked, and instead, Sasaki was the one who felt hypnotized the more he gazed at the man.

The dark-haired witch grew troubled quickly as he looked at him. "I can see why you tried to hunt me. You're starving yourself... I can help you, and you won't have to take any lives to do it."

This floored Sasaki. Had the witch been reading his mind?!

As if in answer, the witch giggled to himself and then that same voice echoed in Sasaki's mind. Well yes, only a little. It's how I found you.

Sasaki gasped, and almost instinctively swam away. The monster in his head had been chased away by the witch, and for the first time Sasaki felt like himself again.

My name is Miyano Yoshikazu, will you let me help you? He spoke to his mind again, and Sasaki felt calmer.

"Yes." He spoke, wanting desperately to be closer to that warm soul. Not to devour it, but to feel normal again.

The precious soul that sung to him in more ways than he could ever fathom.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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