Day 4 - Childhood (MiyanoWeek2023)

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Day 4 - Childhood
.:Written for MiyanoWeek2023:.
"Imprinted" Werewolf AU, snippet from a future fic
Rating: T


When Sasaki was just four years old, he lost his parents. The event led him to not only shut down, but also to not speak as much. It became harder to form words at all.

At seven, he met the person that would change his life forever. Someone who would look at him with a happy smile that made Sasaki want to smile too. Just on their first meeting, Sasaki found himself uttering his first words unprompted in years.

"I like you." His voice still sounded strange in his ears, and the rumble in his throat felt weird.

The boy grinned at him, and that happy shine was like a light that Sasaki wanted to hold on to forever. "I like you too! Want to be friends?" He outstretched a small hand to him, and Sasaki took it gently in his.

"Yes." And from then on, a connection was formed. One that startled Sasaki at first with its intensity that made his heart race. It was like all the stars aligned. It was like the sun and the moon lost their glow and magnificence in the face of this special person. Sasaki found himself tethered to the world by him.

His name is Miyano.

*  *  *

"This way!" Miyano encouraged him as they fled behind a tree to hide.

Sasaki subconsciously stood over the younger boy. It was still such a new feeling to have; the want, the need to protect him from any and all harm.

They watched silently as three wolf pups ran past them, and both relaxed. Those big brown eyes gazed up at him, and his smile widened on his pudgy face.

Sasaki's little heart raced just like the first time.

"They didn't see us! Come on, let's go get the flag..." Miyano whispered, and Sasaki could only nod as they started running through the woods.

Their small feet crunched the fallen leaves, and Sasaki stayed on alert as they got closer to the enemy team's base.

"I don't see anyone..." Miyano whispered as he looked around. The blue flag was in sight, and before Sasaki could stop him, the smaller boy ran out to capture it.

Sasaki ran out as soon as Miyano yelped at being caught by their fellow packmate. The blonde held him up by the back of his shirt.

"Caught ya." He grinned, blue eyes shining in mirth as Miyano kicked at him.

"Hirano! No fair!"

"Let him go." Sasaki growled out before he realized what he was doing.

This shocked them both, but Hirano quickly recovered. "Wow. So you do speak. Nah, I don't think I will." The grinning blonde shouted into the woods. "Kagi! We got some prisoners!"

A dark brown wolf jumped out. He was a little bigger than the other pups they saw before. He eyed them, trying to be intimidating, but his tail was wagging happily.

Hirano groaned, and glared at his partner. "Why are you wagging your tail like that?! C'mon, you're bigger, so you're suppose to be scary!"

Kagiura whined, his ears folding down, and it made Hirano falter a little at seeing it.

Sasaki grinned when Miyano used that to his advantage and kicked out of the blonde's hold. Using the distraction, Sasaki grabbed the flag, and together the two shifted into wolves and started running through the forest again.

They could hear Hirano and Kagiura squabble after them, and Sasaki looked back. Miyano's wolf was as black as the night sky, and so small, Sasaki's own maroon-colored wolf had to slow down so he could keep up.

The grey wolf was tailing them, though, and Sasaki knew Hirano was one of the quickest in the pack. He gripped the flag tightly between his teeth as their base came into view. If they could just cross the border it would be won...

Sasaki felt a pull just before he heard Miyano whine and topple to the ground. Sasaki roared when he saw the dark brown wolf tackle the smaller down. He abandoned the flag and turned to protect Miyano, knocking the other wolf off him. He stood over him, baring his teeth and growling as the pair of wolves stared at him, hackles raised.

He felt Miyano nudge his leg with his snout, but Sasaki couldn't look away from what he perceived as a threat to the one he cared about the most. Equally, the two in front of him couldn't look away from the threatening aura he gave off.

Then, it all ended when shouting echoed around them, and happy cheers behind him broke his concentration. He looked over, and noticed Miyano was no longer behind him. The younger had instead used the distraction to steal the flag back to their base. He saw the happy boy being lifted by their packmates, and Sasaki found himself melting at the sight.

The other two wolves shifted back and complained loudly at Sasaki, but the redhead ignored them. He only had eyes for the one that captured his heart and soul.


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