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Akshara looked on as her family celebrated in happiness. 

Arav was jumping in joy. He always knew nothing could happen to his bhabhi because he knew she would live for all of them. She is too selfless to leave all of them. But now that he got the assurances that Abhay Oberoi is coming back to India, he is relieved. Nothing could happen to his bhabhi. She would live, a very long and happy life.

Anya went to her bhaiyya and hugged him tightly who pulled her closer into his embrace. They were dependent on Akshara but for her bhaiyya, Akshara was his soulmate. Her bhaiyya behaved all calm and cool in the past few days but she could easily see the fear in his eyes. She pulled back and looked at her bhaiyya who kissed her forehead and blinked his eyes in assurance. 

Akshara looked at Ajay who went and hugged Aryan tightly. She was not at all surprised. Both of them developed a reluctant friendship over the past few weeks. She didn't know what made that friendship bud but she was happy. Her bhaiyya needed friends. And Ajay Birla is the best friend anyone could ask for. The guy gave without limits. 

She was startled out of her thoughts when Anika hugged her and cried. She deepened the embrace. They were best friends once. Over the course of 6 years, she thought she lost their friendship. Now, they are trying to rebuild their bond. It would not be easy. There are many complaints and questions but the thing that held them together even after six years of separation was love. Love was never the issue between them. Lack of trust was the issue. She knew they would over come it as well. 

Arjun gently took his wife into his arms when she broke into tears. He understood her feelings better than anyone. He had been with her for the past 6 years. There was never a happy moment where his wife didn't remember his sister. Back then, he didn't know it was Akshara. But his wife always used to talk about his sister and brother. She herself had been too hurt to think from the other point of view but she loved them with her whole heart. 

Aryan came to his sister and pulled her into his embrace. He is to overwhelmed to speak anything. He faced hell for the past 3 months. He would have broken down completely if not for Abhimanyu and his family. In a way, Abhimanyu coming to Udaipur gave him a lot of strength. He wouldn't have handled all by himself. Akshara was his child. A child around whom his whole world revolved. 

Remaining people left to give brother and sister the privacy. They needed to feel the connection much more now. Aryan needed that time to let the truth sink in. 

After 2 hours, Abhimanyu got Akshara to himself. He had to wait for everyone to complete their turns with Akshara. And as always he stepped back understanding everyone.

Now he was getting a clear idea how his married life would be. He would have to wait in line to meet with his own wife and surprisingly that brought a smile on his face than annoyance or irritation. His wife loved his family as much as he loved, that is what makes her special and that is what especially makes her HIS WIFE. Because, for him family would always come first. He was very tensed when he realised he is falling in love. He never thought he would fall in love one day. He was glad he fell in love with Akshara. He didn't know what he would have done if he fell in love with a woman who couldn't understand his relation with his family. If Akshara wouldn't have been so giving, he wouldn't have even thought of proposing her. He would have kept his feelings buried, for life. 

Akshara jumped on to Abhimanyu as soon as she saw him coming into her room. Abhimanyu pulled her closer into his embrace. Both of them stayed there for sometime seeking peace in each other's arms. 

Abhimanyu pulled back and kissed Akshara's forehead. Akshara closed her eyes. Her Abhi's forehead kisses always managed to send her into bliss. She has been missing those for a long time now. 

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