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Anya was really pissed off with everything. She was on her periods and her hormones were driving her crazy. She was exhausted for no reason. She was also annoyed for no reason. To add on to her frustration, her bhaiyya was not in the office and her idiot of a senior was driving her crazy too as if her hormones were not enough. 

The guy had a problem with her since day one. She didn't understand if he had a problem with her being a Birla or he had a problem with her being a girl. The guy gave her negative vibes since day 1. She was also warned by her bhaiyya to be careful around the staff. Not that he appointed creeps, he just didn't trust anyone with his sister!! She would have handled him his way, but she really didn't want a scene in the office, especially when she is being an intern. But that day, she was irritated enough.

She glared her senior who was asking her to redo the same thing for the 4th time. To be honest, she didn't find any reason to redo the whole thing. It was just perfect. She kept the file on his desk with a thud - May I know the reason why am I asked to redo the whole thing, Sir?

Senior gave her a look - Because I am asking you to.

Anya's temper flared. But she composed her self and moved out. She did the whole thing again with patience. She kept herself reminding that she couldn't behave unprofessionally just because she is Abhimanyu Birla's sister. She couldn't do anything that could bring a bad name to her bhaiyya. Moreover, she herself hated unprofessionalism.  She would come back at the guy when he would give her enough reasons. 

Anya resubmitted the file and marched out of the office as soon as he approved of it and entered the lift. She mentally made a note to take care of the guy!! She directly entered her car and zoomed out. She didn't bother to check if security was even following her. She gobbled up three chocolates while driving. She is too long gone in her frustration to realise what she was doing. She didn't even realise she came far away from her office and house. She stopped at a random pub and went inside to calm herself. If for once, she stopped for a minute and checked the area and pub she was entering, she would have never gone inside. 


Abhimanyu was pacing in the hall waiting for Anya. It was half past 7. She should have been at home at max by 7. He called her but her phone was switched off. He called the office to know if she left and was shocked when he got to know that she left almost an hour go. He immediately called Khanna. But the security oblivious to everything was waiting for Anya outside the office. They not even in their dreams expect Anya to dodge them but it was so unfortunate that Anya didn't try to dodge them. It is just that she didn't care enough to check if they were following. 

Abhimanyu's heart raced a mile per second. Anya never behaved irresponsibly. She is the most responsible out of all his three siblings. That made him think the worst possibilities. He blasted off the security and asked them to get onto work. 

With in an hour, the whole police system of Mumbai was in search for Anya Birla!

Birlas got tensed when they got to know about the situation. Akshara was getting restless minute by minute. Her husband was not calming down. He already blasted off the Police commissioner. He is not supposed to take too much stress. Not even an year ago he was in a major accident. An year before that, he suffered a heart injury. His BP was already sky rocketing. Veins on his neck and forehead looked so close to burst. She tried to make him calm down but in vain. He was diagnosed with BP after that accident. She tried to make him have the medicines but he just ignored her and was restlessly pacing around the living room. 

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