the college and the new friend

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I woke up in Nick's room and immediately went to mine, and started checking my messages.

"Matte, no arrancas la facu mañana??" One of my friends from Argentina texted me reminding me that I start college TOMORROW so I had to get everything ready and stuff.

I couldn't hear anything from downstairs so I started unpacking one of the bags that had my high-school stuff and checked if there was anything that I needed from there and also anything that I needed to buy.

Someone knocked on the door so I opened it and it was Matt. "What are you doing with all that stuff?" "I start college tomorrow!" I said excited and he got excited as well. "That is amazing! Do you want to go buy some stuff? Maybe we could vlog it and post it this Wednesday" "Yeah that sounds good, should I wake up Nick?" "Yeah, I'll go wake up Chris" "Cool" I said and went to Nick's room.

"Yo Nick, there's a bird in your room" I whispered to his ear. "What? Omg really?? where!?" "No silly, there are no birds here, but wake up! I start college tomorrow and I have to buy some stuff, also Matt wants to vlog that"

We went downstairs and found Chris and Matt looking for food. "I'll cook, you go get everything ready for the vlog and get changed or whatever, but I'll cook" "Great, I have to do my skincare" Nick said. Everyone went to their rooms and did whatever they needed and I cooked yellow rice with a fried egg on top, very typical food in Argentina.

We ate, got in the van and started vloging. Nick was explaining what we were going to do to the camera.

We got to this huge place with the most random amount of stuff to buy so Nick followed me and recorded everything that I did.

"Do you think that's gonna be entertaining?" I asked Nick, since the whole video was just me telling Nick why I needed what I was grabbing and just saying random shit.

"Don't worry, with my editing it's gonna be amazing" I let out a supportive laugh even tho I wasn't sure the video was going to be that good.

"Hey look what we found" Chris and Matt appeared from nowhere with a cucumber pillow that was the size of my whole leg and I said "Yo that's almost the size of my dick" and everyone laughed, kinda disgusted. "Why did you say almost?" Said Nick still laughing. "Well mine's a bit longer" I said completely calm, and they laughed even more. Sometimes I'm funny, I thought.

"Are you keeping that in the video?" I asked Nick after everyone stopped laughing. "Idk, maybe?" He said. "Anyway is there anything else that you need?" "Well it actually wouldn't matter because I'm poor as fuck, I can't keep buying shit, let's just go pay"

Nick looked kinda down but also really close to me, he didn't leave my side a second and he recorded everything.

We paid, left the place and when we got to the van Matt and Chris started laughing and taking pictures to something in the car next to the van, so when Nick and I were alone inside of it I asked "Yo are you ok? You've been down  and didn't leave my side the whole evening, is there something wrong?" "Yeah it's just that I don't want you to go, once you officially learn something from college you'll get your own job and leave us, I feel like a dad right now" "Omg Nick I'm not gonna leave you, I'm always gonna come visit, don't worry, I'll always be there" I hugged him from the side and he patted my leg while also resting his head on my shoulder.

Chris and Matt got in the van and we drove home. They actually explained the joke during the way home, but I was thinking about something else.

The night happened fast and I fell asleep very quickly, clearly again next to Nick.

The morning was normal, nothing new, the guys drove me and vlogged my first time entering the college, and when I came back to the house, I arrived with a friend, and someone was quite irritated by it.

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