the sessions and the rage

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After the make-out session, he rested my back on the bed and left me there to get changed.

He looked so hot walking around the room, trying on clothes, finishing the outfit with accessories, and I was just there, admiring him.

"Now we can go, I'll call an Uber" he said putting his hand out.

I took his hand and we went downstairs.

We literally couldn't keep our hands to each other.

I mean we could but why would we want to?

We got to the place and it was a Rage Room.

I was a little confused, but totally went with it.

We got in, got the clothes and everything, and when we were inside the room, he told me to wait before breaking anything.

"I want to explain to you why this is our first official date" He said approaching me.

"Sure, go ahead"

"I want you to know that if you get into a relationship with me, not only do you have a boyfriend on me, but you also have your closest best friend. One of my biggest dreams is to be with a person with whom I can be both a friend and a boyfriend, but it needs to be built up, by this I mean that I'm gonna have to remind you that you don't have to be anyone else to impress me, because I like you, the real you, the one that was my friend, and the one that will be my boyfriend, just that" he said scratching his neck nervous.

"I'm actually about to cry, that is beautiful and so real Nick, I'd love to be your boyfriend and your best friend" I said hugging him.

"Now let's get to this"

We spent an hour and a half breaking stuff and laughing our asses off.

We came out and Nick got a call from Chris.

"Hey," Nick answered the phone. "Oh ok, cool, we're out here, we just finished" he kept going.

"What was that?" I said confused.

"Oh it was Chris, he knew we were here so he asked me if we needed a ride" I nodded and just enjoyed the peace of midnight.

We saw the van and got in.

"Hey guys, thanks for picking us up, you're already coming back from the party?" I said.

"Yeah, it was really boring and everyone was too drunk, it's fine, we're tired anyways" Chris explained, Matt was really focused on driving.

"Do they know?" I whispered to Nick, talking about us.

"We'll talk about that later" he said.

"So did you guys have fun in the Rage Room?" Chris asked.

"Yeah lots, I never broke stuff like that, I loved it honestly" I said.

"Yeah our party started fun but then it was just a bunch of drunk people and it wasn't fun anymore, you know when people are just like zombies like you can't even talk to them" he explained.

"Yeah, I know what you mean" I said, not being able to pay attention, since I was tired and thinking about Nick a lot.

At some point I fell asleep on Nick's shoulder, and woke up when Matt turned off the car. "Let's go, babe," I heard Nick say. "The guys are already sleeping, let's go" he said.

I grabbed him trying to get up but I ended up bringing him on top of me.

"Sorry, I was trying to get up" I giggled a bit.

"Oh don't worry, I'm alright," he said flirting.

I yawned and he laughed slightly. "C'mon sweetheart, let's sleep" he insisted.

I was tired but I didn't want to sleep.

I pulled his shirt making him get closer to me, and kissed him on the lips.

We started getting comfortable until we got in a comfortable position, and he spoke again.

"Why are we always in the car?" he said.

"I kinda like it," I said flirting. "But I actually need to sleep, thanks for the make-out session tho"

"Whenever you'd like" he said getting up and getting out of the car.

We went to our bedrooms and he said we should sleep in mine before emptying it.

I agreed.

"So," I said once we were comfortable in bed. "Do they know?"

"They didn't get the updates yet, but that one time we were the three of us in Matt's room for the whole day was when I told them about how much I liked you. They told me I should make a move, and they have been helping me since that day" he explained.

We talked about it a little bit more and agreed that we would tell them the next day.

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