the date and the question

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"It looks great" he said, "I'm gonna look for another bracelet and check if the guys are ready" he added leaving the room. 

"Fuck" I whispered, I got that feeling again, that feeling that gave me a hard time sleeping yesterday, that feeling that makes you whisper "fuck" over and over again, like that's gonna make it go away.

I had to make it go away tho, didn't I?

I took my stuff and put it on my bag, sprayed more perfume and left the room.

"El que no se alistó se jodió" I said, like if they were going to understand.

"The fuck was that?" said Chris coming from his room. "It's an argentinian thing we say when we play hide and seek but I changed it to match the context, whatever, where are the guys?" "I think they're in Matt's room" he said sitting in the couch.

"Guys are y'all here?" I said standing in front of Matt's bedroom door. 

"Yeah we are, we were just talking" I heard Matt, and then had the door open.

"Well, y'all can talk in the car, let's go, Chris and I are ready"

We got in the van, like always Nick and I in the back and Matt and Chris at front, Matt driving and Chris being a DJ next to him.

"Wait" I said. "I forgot something inside of the house, I'll be right back" I came out of the car and ran inside.

I actually hadn't forgotten anything inside, I just needed a second to put my shit together. 

"Ok you're gonna play it cool, you're gonna ignore any type of feeling towards Nick and be a good friend who's taking his triplet friends out for dinner, no dates" I kept on talking to myself for some more minutes and then went back to the car.

"Alright lets go" I said, and we drove off to the restaurant.

We sat down next to a window with a really nice veiw, Nick next to me and in front of us Chris and Matt.

The night didn't go so bad, Nick wasn't putting all of his attention on me, so it was easier for me to ignore any weird feeling.

"Ok we need some pics" Nick said. 

"Matt, Chris, look at the camera!" he said, so Matt flipped the camera off and Chris did a funny face with his tongue out. "Beautiful" I said, still laughing at Chris's face.

"Now you" He said, pointing the camera at me. "Noo, please don't" I begged. "Say cheese" he exclaimed. I did my signature impression of Dwayne Johnson's eyebrow raise, trying not to laugh. "HAHAHA DO IT AGAIN" Chris asked laughing. I looked at him, did a pause, and did the eyebrow raise again. "HAHAHAHAHA" Chris's laugh is the best thing ever, bro ain't allowed to laugh at home seriously.

"Can I take yours?" I said to Nick. "Yeah sure" he said, still laughing with Chris.

"Cmon, quick, make a funny face" I said, and put the camera on his forhead. He tried to do a face but failed and busted out laughing, for when I took the picure, I had a masterpiece.

"HAHAHAH LOOK AT THIS Y'ALL" I said to the guys, showing them the phone. The three of them laughed in unison.

We were having such a great time that at some point there was no one in the restaurant, and the guy behing the counter was throwing a dead look, begging for us to leave.

"Guys," I called them whispering. "I think the guy wants us to leave" I said pointing at him without him noticing. "HAHAHAHAHA" Chris laughed again like a crazy person and Matt and Nick joined him. "You're hilarious Matt" Nick said.

"I need to go to the bathroom real quick" Nick said. "Yeah me too" Chris followed him. Matt and I were the only ones there.

"So," he said. "d'you like Nick?" he added. I was stunned. When i thought i was hiding my feelings the best, he notices. "What do you mean?" I let out a nervous laugh. "Like, romantically" he explained. "Oh, no, not at all, he's like a father to me, or a brother, like, he's just, we're just friends" I said, having to finish the conversation since the guys came back from the bathroom.

We left after asking for the bill like the memes on tiktok.

"I don't think we should come back" I said when we got in the car. We all laughed and headed home.

Me and the sturniolo triplets.Where stories live. Discover now