If it's about us turning yellow and waiting to be peeled I dont think I wanna no

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Sorry, I had to use no instead of know. Ran out of space. This is inspired by the 1987 episode, "Adventures in Turtle Sitting". The series for this story is ROTTMNT.
Part two coming soon...

Donnie was in his lab working on his "Top Secret Project," as he called it when he heard the dreaded nasally voice of his "twin" brother.

"Hey, Dontron, whatcha working on?" Leo asked, walking into the lab.
Donnie didn't even have to turn around to know that Leo was closely followed by his rabbit boyfriend, Yuichi Usagi.

"Leo, might you and your bunny beau take your nonsense somewhere else?"

"C'mon, Dee! We just wanna watch you do your science-y stuff!" Leo said. As he walked over to Donnie, he looked around the lab as if searching for something.

"'Science-y'?" Donnie repeated with disdain for his brother's incorrect wording. He knew what he was looking for. He was looking for a way to cause trouble. Something to touch that he shouldn't or a random button to press while Donnie had his back turned.

"We do wanna watch you work..." Usagi said... Donnie didn't believe him. "What are you working on?"

Donnie would've told both of them to leave him to his work, however, Usagi was technically a guest and Raph tended to get on his case for being rude to guests. "Sigh... if you insist on pestering me... You know how April is about protests and charity work and she has asked me to build a machine that can help with the world hunger crisis... Though a tall order at first, I believe I may have found a solution."

"A solution to world hunger?! Why didn't you build this earlier?" Leo asked.

"I hadn't thought about it until she had proposed the idea..."

"So, how's it work?"

"Theoretically, it should it should reverse the aging process of natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, so rotten foods would become fresh again."

"No offense, but I wouldn't want to eat food that used to be rotten..." Usagi said.

"Well, I thought you as a former farmer would appreciate the thought of fresh produce being easier to obtain." Donnie rebutted.

"I wasn't a farmer, my auntie is. I just lived with her." Usagi corrected. "...and I actually think that a device like this might put farmers out of the job..."

Donnie's smug expression, faltered, fading into confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, if people were able to reverse the aging effects of time in their foods, then, theoretically, the world would have an infinite supply of food. Which, while effective in solving the hunger problem, would reduce the need for farmers and leave many without jobs. Is that not another way for machines to replace people?" Usagi elaborated.

"Oohhh.... burn!" Leo exclaimed.

Donnie ignored Leo's misuse of the term and looked at Usagi for a minute as he processed what was being said. How did such a profound statement come from Usagi of all people?

Donnie cleared his throat. "That is... actually a valid concern... however it's still in the alpha stage, so I will definitely take that point into consideration."

Usagi nodded, seemingly satisfied with Donnie's response.

"Can we see it in action?!" Leo asked, excitedly.

"I literally just told you it was in alpha. I've barely had the chance to test it-"

"Please, please, please? You'll be my favorite brother~" Leo begged.

"Scoff! As if meaningless titles such as your favorite mean anything to me..." Donnie crossed his arms.

"We'll get out of your lab if you show us~" Leo continued to pester.

"Fine..." Donnie agreed, wanting them out as soon as possible. "I need a test subject."

Leo pulls a browned banana out of the side pouch of his belt. "Use this."
Donnie stared at him for a second. "Why are you carrying an old banana?"

"Mikey wanted to make banana bread earlier..." Leo replied.

"I remember, he made it for all of us but why do you have one of the bananas?"

"Hehe... right... one..." Donnie cocked a drawn-on eyebrow at this statement. "Well, Mikey says that we needed brown bananas for the bread and I thought... if they taste good in banana bread that they'd taste good by themselves too..."

Donnie looked at Leo with an unamused expression. "And did they?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"...No. I threw up..." Leo admitted, sulking.

"Well, I can't say you didn't deserve it... However, you're lack of common sense might prove useful for once." Donnie said, as he took the gross-looking banana from Leo's hand with a robotic arm and put it under the plate of the machine. "Now watch closely as The Food Revivifier takes your spoiled banana and turns it into something actually edible."

Donnie starts the machine looking over the control panel to make sure it has the correct settings, not quite realizing he's blocking the other two's view of the process.

Leo, not wanting to miss this moment, tried to push Donnie out of the way to get a closer look, while also holding Usagi's hand and dragging him along so he also doesn't miss it. "Donnie, we can't see!"
However, Donnie turns around and sidesteps just as Leo reaches out, causing both him and Usagi to crash into the way of the machine.

"LEO! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY MACHINE?!" Donnie yelled, coughing in between words from the smoke that arose. "I MEAN, HONESTLY, OF ALL THE JUVINILE, CHILDISH THINGS-!" Donnie cuts himself off as he stares at the wreckage of the machine.

Sitting in the middle of the wreckage are two small children in blue, who he immediately recognizes as his brother and who he can only assume is Usagi.

The two teens-turned-toddlers looked around in confusion.

"Why is everything so big?" Little Usagi asked.

Little Leo looked around until he spotted something on the ground. "Ooh look! A banana!" He shouted and immediately started to eat it.
As Leo picked it up, Donnie noticed the peel was not brown as it was before but instead a bright yellow. Sure enough, when he opened it up, inside was a perfect, and fresh banana.

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