; airport sadness

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the cold morning air prickled your skin as you paced the concrete flooring to the entrance of the airport. your heart beat with sadness that enveloped your figure, impatiently looking for the u-20 team who was to arrive any moment now.

hearing the tour bus come to a halt in front of you, the dreariness of the team poured out, everyone exhausted from the long trip they were anticipating to end. you looked past each member spotting the mahogany haired midfielder who was last out of the bus. 

sae grabbed his luggage from the compartment below the vehicle, making eye contact with you in the process and mentally noting to go to you once you finished collecting his belongings. he walked towards you, suitcase rolling behind him, backpack lazily slung over his shoulder, "hey."

you smiled wearily, following him and the rest of the team into the airport for check in. you made it a point not to get in the way while they situated themselves, but also to stay as close to sae as possible. while you were able to spend most of his trip with him, saying goodbye was absolutely soul crushing, you didn't know when you'd be able to see him again.

check in ended with a breeze and as soon as you knew it, you were to depart from them.

you said your goodbyes to majority of the team, hugging shidou and aiku before turning to your boyfriend. he stood there quietly, close yet straying himself from the rest of the group. "

"you better visit me again," you pursed your lips together, crossing your arms as you leaned to the side, "or even better, i'll visit you."

"you mean you'll visit me!" shidou interjected, full of energy despite it being so early in the morning.

shooting shidou a nasty glare, you turned back to sae who was unamused by shidou's outburst. "i'll visit when i can, i'll probably be busy with work though but i'll try." 

sae moved his suitcase closer to his body, keeping a firm grip onto the strap of his bag. you choked back your tears, you knew that you'd see him again eventually, but the thought of that being so far made you want to cry. your heartstrings felt as they were being plucked and pulled, stomach churning, legs about to break. you wanted to scream and beg him not to go. having him here brought you so much comfort, you didn't want to go back to only being able to see him behind the screen. "i'm gonna miss you."

with no words being said back, sae pulled you into a hug. he wasn't used to affection (especially in front of people), but from the look on your face he could tell you needed one. his hands rested on the small of your back, your arms slowly moving to wrap around his torso. 

"sae, hurry up man we got to go." aiku called out, his hand motioning for him to follow him and the rest of the team who were soon to go to TSA. 

"that's my cue."

you squeezed the man a bit tighter before placing your lips onto his. you didn't want to pull back but the snickers of the guys staring and watching like you were the star in a romance TV show made you uneasy. "i'll see you soon."

"goodbye, [y/n]."

and as soon as you knew it, he was gone.


author's note;
what if i told you this is the
second to last chapter of this
book :9

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