Chapter 2 - Tears

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When I landed, my mother rushed over.

“Are you ok?” she asked, looking over my body for injuries. I nodded as I hopped off of Iggy.

We made our way to our hut where Lo’ak and Spider both sat with their heads poked out of the doorway after hearing the commotion of my mother's worry.

“what the hell kid…don’t just leave like that” my father shouted once he had made it back just a minute after me. But I kept walking into our home.

My eyes darted at the scene. My eldest brother sat on the floor, cuts all over him. My grandmother behind him, applying some kind of medicine.

My grandmother had mixed feelings about me. She loved all of her grandchildren, but it was obvious that she loved me least. Purely because of my non-existent connection with Eywa.

I squatted next to Neteyam to get a look at one of the bigger cuts that rested on his arm. He didn’t appreciate this one bit and let out a hiss.

“Get away” He yelled pushing me with his hand. I fell back only my elbows. I said nothing to this and took his anger in. It was always best if I did so as not to get yelled at more by my siblings.
I stood up and brushed the dirt from my elbows, instead standing next to Lo'ak, finding it much more safe.

What I didn’t see was Neteyam turning to me and apologising to me for his actions. How he was just in pain and happy I was safe. My brain didn’t let me see how he placed his hand on my ankle to try get his apology across.

“and who is Tsahìk?” Our grandmother ask Kiri who had questioned her healing methods.

“You are grand-Move” Kiri pushed lo’ak into me causing me to stumble and step on my grandmothers tail. She let out a pained hiss turning back to me with a fierce look.

“Im sorry Grandmother” I said quickly tried to figure out what to say to her to make up for what I had done.

“Foolish girl…get out, you crowd the room” She hissed. I looked to her then to each of my siblings before leaving without a word, passing my parents in the process.

“Seze?” my mother yelled out, worry in her tone. “go” I heard her say to my father.

I heard his heavy footsteps behind my light ones.

“Seze…what happened?” he asked once he reached me. He grabbed my shoulder and held on tight so I couldn’t run off like I had done in the past.

“nothing” I mumbled, not meeting the man’s eyes, keeping my head down. He didn’t like this one bit, so he crouched down so he could look up to me.

“Buster…what’s up?” Buster. That was the Nickname my father had called me ever since I was born. He always thought it suited me. When I was younger, I was a big trouble maker. “talk to me” he whispered taking my hand. I looked into my fathers eyes with slight confusion.

What’s up?

Lets see. I have felt different from my family for years. My own grandmother doesn’t like me. My brain wont let me see the love my family show me. From what I knew, my parents always think I am in the wrong. And I can’t stand being in a room with more than 10 people.

“nothing” My voice broke, and as if that wasn't enough to tell I was lying, tears formed in my eye as clear as day.

“Hey…hey. Come on. You can tell me” he whispered as he pulled me into a hug. I rested my chin onto my fathers shoulder as he placed a hand on the back of my head.

Sadly, this hug ment nothing to me. I felt nothing between my father and I. Not his care or his love.

I cried for a few minutes as he held me close. Hoping that I could change my mind about whether or not he loved me. I didn’t...Just like always.

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