Chapter 23 - I See You

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"Seze, you have no idea how bad I feel. I am the selfish one. Not you. oh I don't even know what else to say other than that I am so so sorry."

"Kiri. I've told you about 7 times now." I turned to my sister and stopped, forcing her to stop to. "It is ok."

"fuck that"


"What. It's not like dad can hear me. I am sorry and it is not ok."

"I'm alive aren't I?"


"Then its fine. I forgave you not long after I left anyway" I waved her off, hoping she would drop it. I continued to walk through the forest. 

I had woken in the morning and decided my twin and I needed a new place the two of us would be able to be alone like our places back in the mountains. 

Kiri got up especially fast and pulled me out of out Marui. I knew it was because she wanted to apologies again, but I liked her enthusiasm. She hadn't had much. 

No one had the past 5 days since the battle. 

But as Na'vi, we couldn't exactly stay in the comfort of our homes. We had to hunt to eat.

Slowly people started to venture out. Mainly the Hunters and the fishermen. Kids were still advised to stay with their parents and they were happy to do so.

But that didn't stop Lo'ak and Tsireya 'secretly' meeting. Or even Kiri and Rotxo. That was a big surprise for me to find on the third day after the battle. 

Tsireya had told me they got close but I didn't think it was to the extent of a relationship. 

"Does Rotxo have to hear this? if so I feel very sorry for him" I said as I stepped up onto a branch then back down. 

I turned around to Kiri with a small smile. But she wanted nothing to do with me after my little comment.

"Yes I do."

I almost fell over at the sudden words. When I turned back around I saw 3 boys and a girl. Lo'ak, Rotxo, Ao'nung and Tsireya.

"You really are clumsy" Ao'nung said with a small smile. "monkey lover"

"Ao'nung. That is not nice" Tsireya said slapping her brother in the arm. 

"she calls me fish lover" The boy was pointing now and acting like a child. As though his sister had all the power over him. 

"because you call her monkey lover" Lo'ak mumbled while he climbed up a small log. 

the 6 of us made our way through the forest. Chatting to each other about everything and nothing.

"what's that?" Lo'ak asked.

"what's what?" Kiri replied while looking in the direction of Lo'aks finger. 

"up in the trees. I see it" Tsireya replied.

"oh I see it." Kiri replied. Rotxo nodded, looking too.

"you two stay here in case we need help." Kiri blurted out as she looked into the direction of myself and Ao'nung who stood behind me. 

"Spot us you know. Make sure no one falls." Rotxo added. 

and before Ao'nung or I could protest, the 4 were up in the trees.

My siblings had been teaching the Metkayina kids a little bit of forest life in my time away. and I was proud of how well they were coming along.

Ao'nung and I sat down after a few awkward moments of silence.

What I Didn't See - Ao'nung X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now