Chapter 6 - The Way Of Water

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Later that morning, Tsireya, Ao’nung and his friend Rotxo had all come to our door, ready to take us for a swim around the area, and meet some of the animals. Tsireya led the way to the water, diving off with Rotxo next to her. My siblings followed after. Ao’nung had waited for me as I slowly and painfully stood.

But we were obstructed by the boys parents. They had noticed my limping and slow, pained movements. They were acquiring answers as to why I looked the way I did. I could feel the stares of the Na’vi boy. His blue eyes staring at the cuts and bruises that painted my body.

He listened in as my parents explained the situation. What had happened to me, how I might need longer to to learn the ways of the water.

Ronal had asked if I was even fit to be out of bed. I gave her a quick glance before walking past her and her mate, diving into the water quite gracefully.

I could feel the eyes of the Na'vi boy while I did before following and leading me to the group. Everyone was there except for Kiri. The one person I was here for. The one person that I care for more than anyone or anything else.

I must say, the reef was beautiful. The animals all moving in harmony with the plants. It was mesmerising.

Not long after we had dived under the surface, my brothers and sister had pointed upwards. They swam up quickly for air before coming back down. I was confused.

I was perfectly fine. How come they weren’t? the reef teens were confused too at their behaviour. The na’vi girl signed something to me, but I had no clue what she had said. We continued to swim for a few more minutes before my siblings had to head back up to the surface.

This time, the Reef Na’vi followed, concerned about what was going on. I looked up to the group as they sat at the top of the water, but I didn’t follow, I swam around, looking for my sister. It was a good few minutes before I felt I needed some air. So I swam up quickly, breathing for a few seconds before heading down again. Just as I did, I saw my sister, she was looking at the creatures and plants. A smile wide on her face.

She looked happy and I didn’t want to ruin that. But of course, she saw me, gesturing me over.

She was inspecting some coral. She pointed to a small, tiny fish that was half the size of my pinkie finger, swimming in and out of the plant. It turned to me as though inspecting me like I it.

It swam over and circled my head before looking back to my eyes. It almost looked like it was smiling. And before I knew it, so was I.

Animals had always made me smile. They felt pure and loving. It was why I had such a big connection with Iggy. I could tell what he was thinking. I could read him. But Na’vi, I could not.

Once the fish swam off again, I looked at my sister who was beaming. She grabbed my hand, and we swam along together, looking at the different animals and plants. This had to be one of the best experiences I had had in a while. We both smiled and tried not to laugh so as not to choke under the water.

I had almost forgotten my throbbing head with Kiri by my side.

We both headed back to the surface. Kiri let out a laugh as she moved the hair from her face. I smiled too, moving my hair from my face.

“that was thrilling. I could just feel Eywa illuminating life.” she let out a sigh and looked to me. “don’t you agree?” she asked with a smile, trying to contain her laughter. But her happiness slowly died off when she saw my smile had dropped. I looked at the ripples of the water while trying to keep myself afloat. “oh” she muttered, placing a hand on my shoulder, using the other to keep herself afloat. “Seze-" she whispered, trying to apologies, but before she could say another word I pushed her arm away, swimming back to the beach as quickly as possible.

I could hear her yelling after me, but I ignored her and swam till I could stand, running through the water till I felt the dry sand sticking to my wet feet.

“why me?” I whispered, falling to my knees in exhaustion and pain, looking to the sand. “why does it have to be me?” I looked at the sky, trying to feel something. Anything.

When nothing came, I turned back to the water. I felt I should have apologised to my sister. I was overreacting.

But Kiri was nowhere to be seen. Closer to the huts, I could see a group of young forest and reef Na’vi. But I couldn’t see Kiri. “shit” I whispered. I hurt her feelings.

I stood up and slowly made my way to the group, trying to ignore the growing pain throughout my body. I knew I would have to explore the whole ocean to find my sister.


There were even more reef Na’vi surrounding us now. Out the front was Ao’nung, Tsireya making her way next to him, both making clicking noises with their tongues and the back of their throats.

“these are Ilu.” He showed off the animals to the 4 of us. They were beautiful sea creatures with long necks. “If you want to live here, you have to ride” he held out his hands as he explained this to us. “and it looks like we have a few helpers too” the boy said with a laugh, looking to his friend group. They all snickered and laughed too. We all knew they weren’t there to help, just to watch and laugh.

“who wants to go first?” Tsireya asked with a smile, giving a pat to the Ilu closest to her.

“I can” Lo’ak said, stepping forward slightly.

“this will be good” Ao’nung whispered to his friends who were all standing in a group much like a gang.

I had noticed that Rotxo was standing off to the side away from the 4 boys. He looked quite uncomfortable all by himself but did not even try to stand with the group. Was he not friends with the 3 boys?

Lo’ak climbed onto the creature slowly while Tsireya explained what he was to do. He connected the bond and tried to ride it similarly to an Ikran. But it was clear he was doing it wrong, and he would humiliate himself in front of everyone. Honestly I couldn’t watch it. It was like watching a baby try to walk but not in a cute kind of way.

I heard some clicks from behind me. I turned and saw another ilu. It looked much the same as every other ilu. But it looked to have a bite out of one of its fins. It was injured.

“what happened to you?” I asked stepping over to the creature slowly so as not to disturb it. Not that the eruption of laughter from the group behind me had helped the situation. I made a few clicking noises, similar to what the reef kids had done, and it clicked back. I could tell it was happy. Not just by the sound of the clicks but the look in its eyes.

“I wouldn’t go near her, if I were you.” Ao’nung yelled out, pushing through the group behind me, making his way to my side. “she is known to bite” he grabbed my arm to stop me from walking any further towards the animal.

I ripped my arm from his grasp in pain. He had gotten ahold of one of my many bruises. He lifted his arms, trying to show he was sorry before continuing on his blabbering. “im serious alright. This Ilu is off limits from everyone. And that includes you.”

This had caught the attention of Neteyam. He turned and started to step closer to the 2 of us.

“I’d leave it if I were you. She is friends with more animals than people.” Neteyam explained, trying to get the boy to back away from me. Ao’nung almost seemed angry with me.

“oh.” Ao’nung turned to my brother with a laugh, but it dropped as soon as he spoke, spitting his words out like knives, “So that is why she is such a freak.” Neteyam was quick to act, the water swooshing around his legs as he quickly turned and stepped towards the reef boy who had a smirk on his face.

But just as my brother opened his mouth to speak, there was a loud cry. The ilu I had been approaching swam fast and hard towards Ao’nung, knocking the boy underwater before returning back to me, rubbing her head against my legs as she circled around me. I smiled down at the creature grabbing my braid from behind my back as I grabbed her queue.

“want to try this?” I asked quietly, trying to get her attention off of the reef boy whose 3 friends had rushed to his aid all shouting and yelling, and the laughter from Tsireya, Rotxo, Neteyam and Tuk. She let out a happy cry and sat still in the water while I slowly and gently connected our bond.

I let in a little breath and the feel of the bond. The ilu let out some chirps at the sensation as she turned for me to grab onto the handle on the top of her head. I smiled and grabbed it, climbing on top of her and readying myself for what was to come.

“slow and steady, yeah?” I asked, giving her a pat before connecting through the bond, getting her to swim. As she went under water, I lay down on my stomach, bringing one of my legs up to keep balance just like I had seen the Metkayina clan do so.

Slowly, we picked up our speed, circling around some large coral along the way. It was something different. The thrill of being under the water was exhilarating, but I knew then and there that I would always be someone made for the air. The wind in my hair, being able to breath and talk while riding.

I headed back up to the surface for air, looking around to the group. I could feel myself starting to get more and more light headed and thought it best not to possibly faint under the water. My brothers, Tuk, Rotxo and Tsireya all cheered for me as I made my way back with a smile.

What I didn’t see was the true worry Ao’nung had felt for my safety, eyes locked on me, making sure the ilu hadn’t turned and attacked me. How he worried that I would fall and hurt myself even more than I already had.

What I Didn't See - Ao'nung X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now