Chapter 26 - The Ending (pt 2)

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The clan stood around my family as we boarded our Ikran. 

I laughed while Tsireya attempted to mount her Ikran. She had bonded with her Ikran, 'eylan, just a few months ago. And she was still getting used to flying.

"safe travels" Tonowari called out, my father nodding back to the olo'eyktan with a smile. 

Tonowari and Ronal were to travel with us, but there had been accidents with a hunt a few days before we were supposed to be leaving. 

We were heading back to the forest, back to the Omatikaya clan. We had received word from the clan, hoping to see us and to catch up for a few days.  

We had not been back to the clan for over 2 years. 

I turned to see Ao'nung who was comfortably mounted on his Ikran. He had named her Suki. He seemed much more comfortable flying than his sister was. 

I watched while Ao'nung was given his son. He looked at him with a smile before tucking the baby away in the cloth he had wrapped around himself. 

Ao'nung was just as scared as I was when I had told him. He was quite upset about the whole thing to start with. Denying it over and over till he was told about the 20th time by both me and his mother. 

Then he was angry. Not at me but himself. He continuously asked how he could allow it to happen. It wasn't apart of his plan yet. Sure he wanted kids but not so soon. 

But his mother was right. He did not leave my side once and he never intended on making me raise the child myself. 

It wasn't until a good month after he found out that he had actually accepted it. 

It was his after all.

He had woke up in the middle of the night and shook me awake. He was almost in tears.

"we are having a child" he whispered. A smile just appearing on his lips. 

He spent the rest of the pregnancy excited about what I was going to be bringing into the world. Rotxo had told me that my mate constantly told him how excited he was to be a father. 

We still had our worries of being as young as we were and having a child, but we both had families that we knew would help us through just about anything. 

I smile to myself before turning to my father, awaiting his order to leave. Once rotxo had mounted onto his Ikran, we were ready


The journey back to the Omatikaya clan was certainly different to when we were heading for the Metkayina clan.

For one, I was very much conscious and not at all battered and bruised like I was on the way over. Second, I was closer to my family more than I ever had before. I even had my own small family. 

However there was one missing on the trip back to the forest. Neteyam. 

I had spent many nights looking to the stars. 2 in particular. 

The one I had always associated with my mother, and the newly shining star I had seen on the night of my brothers funeral. 

After my son was born, Ao'nung and I spend the night under the stars with him. It was a clear night. And as much as I felt crazy for doing it, I introduced him to Neteyam and Grace.

Ao'nung never seemed to judge me for finding comfort in the stars. He knew I couldn't do it through Eywa. He actually encouraged it knowing it helped me with their deaths. 


I felt myself start to get butterflies when we saw the cave where we used to live. 

I was positive I wasn't going to be coming when we were asked. 

What I Didn't See - Ao'nung X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now