Chapter 20 - Threats

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We had made it to a ship in just 2 days where I was greeted by Quaritch. I had never seen him but he was just how I imagined him. Annoying and mean.

But there was something about him that I almost pitied. I wasn't sure what it was till I saw spider.

Spider was angry at the man for taking me, but Quaritch seemed upset about it.

He was his son after all.

The ship wasn't very comforting. You'd think with all this high tech, they'd be able to create a more comfortable environment. Maybe less painful information extractors.

Day after day I was put in different machines. Day after day I was on the edge of passing out as the guards pulled me to my room.

Day after day I was tortured.

Not ideal considering I ran away from my family to stop feeling pain.

In the end I just wished to see them more.

I had found that the longer I was away from them, the more I realised that they did care for me. They did love me.

It was faint but it was there. And that was what kept me going.

But it was weeks till there was any hope of seeing them again.

Most days I didn't think I'd be able to see them, most days I didn't think I deserved it.

3 innocent Na'vi were dead because I was being tracked. And there was no doubt in my mind that the same would happen to the Metkayina Clan.

I needed to get back and warn them. But this ship was impossible to escape and there was no where to go in the water. Iggy was no where to be seen and there was little hope in my mind that there would be a creature I could bond with.

I was stuck here.

And I was stuck for what felt like months before anything happened. Not that what happened was good.

They wanted to show me their work. How they killed the Tulkun. I stood on deck along side Quaritch and spider.

There was a lone Tulkun which from what I knew wasn't something regular. They had placed the tracker and were just headed after it.

But something wasn't right. I could see Na'vi atop the creature. Young ones.

7 to be exact. A mixture of dark and light blue.

"Shit" I whispered knowing full well Quaritch knew who they were.

"Looks like we found your family" he taunted.

I didn't take my eyes off of the teens as thay fell into the water with the tracker in hand.

Neteyam left with it. All the others scattered into the water and I could hear the pods get released into the water below me.

Double shit.

"Let's get after that beast." A man yelled as I got pulled into the commands room.

"This is what's going to happen" Quaritch started, kneeling down to my level with a hand in my shoulder. "your going to do what I say, when I say it. And if I'm not here, you listen to lyle." He pointed towards another avatar. "Is that understood?"


"Is that understood?" He asked again, louder than before.

I looked up to him and spat in his face.

"I'll take that as a yes" he replied, standing up and wiping his face.

"It's a 'go fuck yourself'. But hey, what ever floats your boat"

What I Didn't See - Ao'nung X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now