Chapter 24 - Life

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I woke up to the sound of the ocean. It felt normal now after living with the Metkayina clan for just over a year.

Before this whole thing, I was used to the sound of leaves rustling in the wind.

I sat up and looked around, expecting everyone to be sleeping. But no one was home.

I stood and walked out to the beach to find my family. My Mother was sitting in the sand with Kiri next to her. My father chasing tuk and Lo'ak around the 2 women and into the water.

The death of Neteyam was certainly difficult. And months were spent grieving. But the light was back in my mother's eyes. My father's playfulness was restored, Lo'ak was being a full idiot again, tuk was laughing every chance she got and Kiri was telling jokes left right and centre.

I was back too. What ever back was now that I could feel the love and care from my family.

I rushed towards the sand and made my way to the little girl.

Tuk and I had created a great bond. Something similar to what I had with Neteyam, but somehow so much more different.

Nothing like Kiri and I. We would spend every afternoon together just like we used to before the move. I found trees I was able to carve into while she sat and spoke her mind.

I picked her up and placed her on my shoulders.

"No!" she yelled. A little squeal escaping her lips. "Lo'ak, she's going to take me to her master."

with her words, I started to head towards my father, but before I could take 3 steps, Lo'ak had tackled him into the shallow water.

A laugh crept out of our mothers lips when the 2 men surfaced.

"oh, the mighty toruk makto, bested by his son." She said, her smile lighting the whole family up just as it always had.

"ah but the mighty Velek Makto still lives." My father shouted, pointing towards me. Kiri gasped quite loudly, covering her mouth dramatically.

"who will save the damsel in distress?"

"I did not raise a damsel in distress." Our mother called out and with that, tuk wriggled her way off my shoulders and into the water, running out of the water and into the shelter of our mother.

"cheater" Lo'ak yelled out.

"there are no rules, Skxawng" Kiri laughed back.

"I hate you" Lo'ak replied with a smile and stepped out of the water. Our fathers arm around his shoulder, laughing at the siblings interaction.

Just as I had sat down next to Kiri, we saw someone make their way over on an ilu.

"someone has come to take you away." Kiri said in a sing song voice, nudging my arm.

"oh yeah, nung, how have you been since the last hour I saw you?" Lo'ak added, sitting down on the other side of me. But tuk was soon to the rescue.

"I think you mean, Oh, yeah, reya, how have you been since the last minute I saw you" the young girl doing a horrible impression of her older brother, but making everyone laugh non the less.

"Ao'nung, how are you?" My father called out, sitting down next to his mate.

"Good sir, how are you?"

"good. You here for my daughter?"

"yes sir"

"ok" Tuk said, getting off of our mothers lap. "see you guys later."

"Tuktirey te Suli Neytiri'ite, get your ass back down you Skxawng" Kiri laughed, grabbing her sisters hand.

"well he didn't specify" she muttered, sitting back down.

What I Didn't See - Ao'nung X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now