Chapter Three

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"Is it too much to ask to have blinked the Impala to Cleveland?" Dean complained as they arrived on their return trip to the cemetery, after having walked to the motel and back. "Do I look like a freakin' Apostle?"

"What exactly are we looking for?" Sam asked, ignoring his brother's bitching.

"Just keep your eyes to the ground. Hopefully she dropped something we can use to track her."

"That seems overly optimistic..." Sam mumbled under his breath.

As they approached the mausoleum where they had tussled with the Slayer, voices could be heard inside the chamber. The Winchester's stepped behind the the cover of a large Oak tree to get a better look.

"What do you mean it's gone?" A male voice asked.

"Like I said mate, it's not there. It's gone. If you would like, I can draw you a picture if you're really strugglin' with this concept," another responded, male and with an accent from across the pond.

"Move- it has to be in here. You're just not looking hard enough."

"Fine, until you're done actin' like a poncy little girl, I'll be outside havin' a smoke."

The British man exited the chamber, bleach blonde slicked hair and wearing a retro looking black trench. He sat down on the steps of mausoleum and lit up a cigarette.

"Dude, am I going crazy," Dean hung back around the trunk, "or, is Billy Idol raiding a grave?"

"I'm just as confused as you... but, they're obviously here for the same amulet we are."


"Only one way to find out."

Emerging from around the tree, Sam reset his gun and Dean unsheathed the knife.

"Yo, Rebel Yell!"

Startled, the blonde man jumped to his feet, and flicked his cigarette to the side.

"Angel!" he yelled to the man inside, "We have company. Gonna want to put on your face."

Instantly his face contorted into a monstrous snarl and he postured himself for the attack.

"Angel?" Sam asked, the name sounding slightly reminiscent.

"Well that answers our question. Hope you're not overly attached to your head," Dean brandished the knife, stepping towards the vampire.

"Wait a minute, Dean," Sam thrust his arm across Dean's chest to stop him, "he knows the Slayer," he pointed to the vampire who had exited from the mausoleum, and directed his next comment at him, "Angel- as in, the vampire with the soul?"

Their faces contorted back to normal, once again taking on human features.

"Ya'know, I'm tired of you gettin' all the credit for havin' a soul," the blonde protested, "I have a soul too, and I didn't get mine by pissin' off some gypsies- I fought for mine!"

"Shut up, Spike." Angel spat, pushing past him as he came down the steps to approach the Winchesters, "Who wants to know?"

"Sam Winchester," Sam replied, "This is my brother Dean."

"You're hunters, aren't you?"

"Yeah, and I think we're probably both here for the same reason."

"Woah... Sammy," Dean flashed a fake smile, pushing his brother back a step, smile dropping when Dean had his back to the vamps, and whispered, "We are not working with vampires. I don't care if they have souls, or not."

"Trust me on this," Sam's face was resolute, and Dean backed down for a second, "You're not going to find the amulet in there."

Spike punched Angel on the upper arm, "You're not lookin' hard enough," he said in a whiny imitating voice, "I told you it wasn't in there."

Rolling his eyes at Spike, Angel asked, "And, why not?"

"Because the slayer took it from us about an hour ago..." Dean huffed, unsure of whether it was wise to share that information.

"Right after she kicked your ass," Spike laughed.

"Whether you believe it or not, we're not here to hurt her. We were sent her to find that amulet and help her out."

"By who?"

Sam winced a bit expecting a biting remark in return, " an Angel."

"A real one," Dean added with a smirk, "Not just some vampire with douchy name."

"I think I'm gonna like him," Spike chuckled.

"Dean..." Sam growled.

"So, why did she work you over and take the amulet if you're here to help her?" Spike inquired.

"She doesn't know we're here to help her," Sam admitted, "I think she thought we were demons."

"And, what, you want us to take you to her?" Angel questioned.

"If it's not to much to ask."

Dean snorted at the politeness that Sam was showing to a couple of freakin' vampires, and Sam hit him in the gut with his elbow.

"She doesn't know we're here either, but I have an idea where to start," Angel's eyes averted to the horizon, "The sun's about to rise and..." Angel smirked, "...we forgot our sunscreen."

"How about this- you guys can crash in our motel room until sunset in exchange for any information you can give us on the Slayer."

Though he said nothing, Dean's expression was practically screaming "You got to be fucking kidding me, Sammy!"

"Buffy," Angel replied.

"What?" Sam asked, diverting his eyes from his seething brother.

"Her name," Angel repeated, "It's Buffy Summers."

"Buffy?" Dean couldn't help but laugh, "Her name is Buffy? Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

"Yeah, it is." Angel stepped up to Dean menacingly.

"Does that mean we have a deal?" Sam asked, reaching out to shake Angel's hand, and prevent him from beating Dean to death.

"Fine," Angel returned the gesture, and they shook, "But, I swear, if this is a trick to hurt her," he said, directing the next part towards Dean, "I'll rip out your neck."

"Likewise, Cupcake," Dean retorted.

"Well, if you prats are all done with your pissin' contest..." Spike started in the direction of a black Pontiac GTX, and Angel followed.

"A '67," Dean mentioned, a little giddiness creeping into his voice as he slapped Sam on the back, "Well, he may be kind of dickbag, but at least he rides in style."

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